Michael Mosley’s diet plan can help you lose 1.5st – what to do

Dr. Mosley’s diet methods have helped thousands of people achieve their goals.

His own most recent technique, the Fast 800 Keto diet, has taken elements from his other rapid weight loss strategies to ensure followers continue to burn body fat efficiently and effectively.

Explaining what the plan is all about, he said: “The Fast 800 plan has been phenomenally successful. Over 40,000 people have completed the online program with average weight loss, including those who started significantly overweight, from 5 lbs (8.7 kg) After one year.

Dr. Michael Mosley’s diet methods have helped thousands of people achieve their goals and his advice is endless when it comes to losing weight. His latest technique, the Fast 800 Keto diet, has taken elements from his other rapid weight loss strategies to ensure followers continue to burn body fat efficiently and effectively.

He said: “The Fast 800 plan has been phenomenally successful.

“More than 40,000 people have completed the online program with an average weight loss, among those who started significantly overweight, of 5 lbs (8.7 kg) after one year.

“It is now seen by many, particularly among the medical profession, as a great way to lose weight and improve their health, including helping people at risk of type 2 diabetes improve their blood sugar levels.”

To put it to the test, he even tried it himself and in just 12 days he lost an incredible amount of weight.

“I lost 9 lbs (4 kg) and lost 4 cm of abdominal fat: my belt did a little, but more importantly, my blood pressure and blood sugar went down too,” he smiled.

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“Happily, now that I am 64 years old, I am back at my healthiest fighting weight and feel great.

“And I am convinced that my new Fast 800 Keto plan is even easier to follow, more effective and perfectly suited for long-term weight maintenance.”

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