CNA Explains: Should you stop using regular salt? What are lower-sodium alternatives?

What about other natural salts? Are they healthier too?

Some shoppers may opt for popular natural salts like Himalayan pink salt, kosher salt, or sea salt, thinking they have health benefits.

These salts don’t actually offer significant nutritional benefits compared to table salt, although they are more expensive, said Dr. Bhaskaran, who is also president of the Singapore Dietetics and Nutrition Association.

Himalayan pink salt contains more potassium compared to table salt. Kosher salt is similar to table salt and contains no trace minerals, iodine or anti-caking agents, she added.

“But there is no significant difference in sodium content between these varieties,” said Dr. Bhaskaran.

Natural salts are different from regular salt mainly in their texture and the way they are processed, Ms Stephen said.

Regular salts are usually granulated, refined to remove other minerals, and sometimes iodized. Natural salts are “minimal processed,” leaving most trace materials, such as magnesium, potassium and calcium, intact, he added.

“However, the presence of these minerals is very small and does not add much nutritional value,” said Ms Stephen.

“It’s best to get these minerals from other healthy foods for more tangible health benefits.”

Both natural and regular salts contain the same amount of sodium: about 40 percent, which yields about 2,000 mg of sodium per teaspoon.

This means they both have the same potential to affect blood pressure and cause cardiovascular disease, Ms Stephen said.

What about the MSG? Isn’t that bad for me?

For years, monosodium glutamate was considered unhealthy, with a small percentage of the population reporting symptoms such as headaches and increased thirst after consuming food at Chinese restaurants, said Dr. Bhaskharan.

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However, more recent research has questioned the accuracy of its purported adverse health effects, he said.

MSG, or monosodium glutamate, is a flavor enhancer derived from L-glutamic acid, which is found naturally in foods like tomatoes, mushrooms and onions, nutritionists said.

It can also be made artificially through fermentation with corn or sugar beets.

MSG is a non-essential amino acid, which means our bodies can make it and don’t need to get it from food, Dr. Bhaskharan said.

It contains about 12 percent sodium, which is lower than regular salt.

Although it has less sodium, it can improve the perception of salt and flavor of food by adding umami, which is a flavor that helps intensify the savory, meaty flavor, Ms. Stephen said.

This means only a small amount is needed to lift the overall flavor of healthier, lower-sodium foods, he added.

Research has also shown that MSG can be used as a suitable replacement for some of the salt in packaged foods, such as snack foods and soups, which can help reduce their sodium content by 30 to 50 percent.

“This provides good potential for using MSG to formulate healthier, ‘better-for-you’ food products without compromising taste. This, in turn, can drive consumers to make more nutritious food choices and have a positive impact on health,” said Ms Stephen.

If I use less salt or switch to low-sodium alternatives, how can I make sure my food tastes good?

It’s possible to replace regular salt with low-sodium salt and significantly reduce sodium intake without compromising taste, Dr. Bhaskaran said.

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“This ‘stealth’ approach to salt substitution has no significant impact on taste and is recognized as possibly the best current strategy for reducing sodium intake and blood pressure at the population level,” he added.

Studies have shown that after consuming a diet with an overall reduction in sodium content of 30 to 50 percent for two to three months, people gradually developed a preference for foods lower in salt, said Dr. .Bhaskaran.

“It’s a matter of time to accept the less taste of salt compared to what they have been consuming before.”

It’s possible to gradually adjust your palate to low-salt foods, Ms. Stephen said.

It takes two to three weeks for the taste receptors on the tongue to become more sensitive to salt and get used to less salty foods without perceiving them as bland, he added.

In cooking, fresh herbs and spices, citrus, mustard, and vinegar can be used to enhance flavor. Onion, garlic, ginger and spices such as turmeric, pepper and chili can also enhance flavor and aroma to make food more palatable without adding more salt, Ms Stephen said.

Salt-free ingredients with distinctive flavor profiles also help add unique flavors to the dish. These include mushrooms, seaweed, sesame oil, bonito flakes and nutritional yeast, he added.

When shopping for ingredients, nutritionists urged home chefs to look for healthier alternatives and eat as fresh as possible.

Foods like fresh poultry, meat, and fish contain negligible amounts of sodium, and fresh fruits and vegetables contain potassium, which can help maintain lower blood pressure and better heart health.

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When shopping for processed foods such as canned, smoked or pickled foods, instant products and convenience meals, as well as sauces and condiments, choose the healthier versions, Ms Stephen said.

For example, look for the Healthier Choice symbol or opt for the “low sodium” or “reduced sodium” options.

Reading nutrition labels can help make more informed decisions when comparing food products based on their sodium content, he added.

You can also avoid sodium when eating out. For example, you can ask for fewer dips or sauces when you order items like fried rice, stir-fried vegetables or pasta, Dr. Bhaskharan said.

Those looking to reduce sodium should also avoid adding extra sauces or salt at the table. They can also choose fresh ingredients when ordering dishes like yong tau foo or mala xiang guo.


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