How hacking your metabolism can help you burn fat and prevent disease

Hacking your metabolism to help your body burn fat and carbohydrates more efficiently may be key to helping you lose weight, run longer, and reduce your risk of conditions like type 2 diabetes.


October 4, 2022

Spencer Wilson

MY FAMILY Holidays in France are synonymous with one thing: bread. But this year, while everyone else is sitting down to their croissants and baguettes, my plate is empty. Even before my first sip of coffee, I have to take a long, slow inhalation through a handheld device that looks like a fancy e-cigarette, hold my breath for 10 seconds, and then exhale through the mouthpiece. Instantly, an app on my phone delivers the verdict as a score from 1 to 5. Today it’s a 1 and I’m elated. For the first time in weeks, I woke up in “fat burning mode.” I have taken my first steps to hack my metabolism.

I would usually be the first to roll my eyes at any gadget associated with weight loss and healthy eating. You don’t need an app to tell you which foods are good or bad. Or you? Evidence has been mounting to suggest that the Unique nutrition advice is drastically failing usAnd we’ve been thinking about metabolism, the chemical reactions in your cells that turn food into energy, all wrong. Against this backdrop, many new technologies are hitting the market that claim to reveal what your metabolism is doing as you go about your day, and provide advice on how to improve it. Make the right adjustments and you’ll find it easier to manage your weight, prevent illness, sleep better and more. I wanted to understand how much of a difference such changes could make and whether ignoring the new science might be leading to metabolic collapse.

Dietary advice used to be simple: …

  Metabolism is bad, then every trick to lose weight will fail, know how it will be cured?


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