The weather is changing, stay away from these diseases

Fever: The weather is changing. Winter is slowly knocking. In such a situation, some people are feeling hot and are wearing light clothes, but due to the cold in the weather, the risk of other diseases has increased. Doctors say that due to the rain that has been happening for the last 3 days, there is waterlogging at places. In such a situation, the risk of water borne diseases and seasonal diseases has increased. If people are a little careless, then they can fall prey to disease immediately. They need to be careful. Let us know which disease is more at risk at this time.

Viral Infection
Viral infection is common during the monsoon season. It happens quickly to those people. Whose immune system is weak. These include fungal infections, bacterial infections, stomach infections, and foot infections. Simple cough, cold and fever also fall under the category of viral infection.

This is a disease that occurs during the rainy season. Mosquitoes breed in this season and this disease is caused by the bite of female Aedes aedipti. Talking about its symptoms, fever up to 105 degrees Fahrenheit, body pain, joint pain, rapid occurrence of platelets are included. If you see symptoms, please see the doctor. Do not allow water logging to prevent mosquitoes. Wear a full sleeve shirt. Don’t let the surrounding water stagnate.

This disease is also caused by the bite of female Aedes mosquito. After 3 to 7 days, the symptoms of Chikungunya start appearing in the patient’s body. Its symptoms are fever, joint pain, headache, muscle pain, swelling in the joints and rashes on the body. To prevent this disease, take the same precautions as with dengue.

  जाने हाइमनोप्लास्टी सर्जरी के इलाज का खर्च। - Best Hindi Health Tips (हेल्थ टिप्स), Healthcare Blog - News | GoMedii

Typhoid is caused by a bacteria called Typhi. This is an infection of the intestines. This bacteria causes wounds in the intestines. High fever comes in this disease which persists for several days. Even after recovery, the infection caused by this disease remains in the gall bladder of the patient. However, after a few months the report turns negative.  This disease is caused by eating contaminated food or drinking dirty water.

It is commonly known as cholera. It is caused by drinking dirty water, food poisoning and dirt. This is a bacterial disease. In this, vomiting, diarrhea, severe pain in the stomach, restlessness and thirst are felt more. For protection, apart from cleaning the surroundings, water should be boiled and drunk. Vaccination is the best way to prevent this disease.

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