It’s never been easier to supercharge your diet | Boing Boing

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As you probably already know, fruits and vegetables are some of the healthier food you can eat. That’s why many doctors and dieticians encourage people to “eat the rainbow” by consuming various colored fruits and vegetables that contain different phytochemicals, each with specific health benefits. But due to hectic schedules, it’s hard to include enough of these nutrient-rich foods in your diet. Luckily there is Neuro Greens Superfood Powder.

Study after study shows that adding plant-based superfoods to your diet is one of the best decisions you can make. But 89 percent of people don’t get enough. That’s why Superfood Neuro Greens exists This organic superfood powder turns your water, smoothie, juice or non-dairy milk into a nutritional powerhouse containing 14 fruits and vegetables, four immune-supporting mushrooms, three nutrient-rich algae and three prebiotic fibers. It has literally never been easier to supercharge your diet.

Eat the rainbow with Neuro Greens superfood

BrainMD Image

When it comes to “eating the rainbow”, Superfood Neuro Greens it makes it easy to increase the amount of vegetables (and red, yellow, blue, purple, and black) in your diet. Simply add this organic superfood powder to water, a smoothie, juice, or non-dairy milk, and you’ll get the specific phytochemicals found in a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. These include:

  • Detoxifying chemicals from vegetables like kale and broccoli.
  • Immunity-boosting carotenoids, flavonoids, and vitamin C are found in reds and yellows, like carrots and strawberries.
  • Heart-healthy anthocyanins common in blue, purple, and black such as blueberries, beets, and black currants.
  • Chemicals that support the immune system found in medicinal mushrooms (lion’s mane, maitake, reishi and shiitake), goji berry extract and Scottish seaweed (Vitakelp®).
  • Gut-supporting prebiotic fibers from inulin, apple pectin, and flaxseed lignans
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Instant Nutrition. Clinically Researched Benefits.

Image via BrainMD

With Neuro Greens Superfood Powder, get concentrated plant-based nutrition from fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, and fiber anytime, anywhere you need it. And as a company firmly rooted in science, they use only clinically researched ingredients that create real results. The benefits of taking Neuro Greens Superfood include:

  • Wellness of the whole body
  • immune support
  • Improved gut health
  • optimal brain function
  • antioxidant protection

So if you’re not getting the daily dose of superfoods you need, you have no excuses. Click here for more information on Neuro Greens Superfood powderand power your diet with instant nutrition.

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