Remedies to avoid back pain and home remedies to relieve pain

Back Pain Cause and Treatment: Back pain and back pain are more common during the winter season. The reason for this is increased cold as well as decreased physical activity. Because in the winter season, daily activities like going out, walking are greatly reduced and most of the people spend most of the time in their home. Due to this, blood circulation is also affected and the stretching of muscles is also less. Due to this, back pain and back pain increase. Know here which home remedies you can get rid of this pain by adopting…

reasons of back ache

  • lack of physical activity
  • gain more weight
  • work in one place for several hours
  • muscle strain
  • ligament strain
  • muscle cramps
  • muscle injury due to a stumble or fall

These problems also cause back pain

  • lack of sleep
  • The problem of shingles can also cause back pain.
  • Poor posture while sleeping due to bad mattress
  • Pelvic infection is also the cause of back pain in women.
  • Kidney infection can also cause back pain
  • Back pain can also be caused due to infection, cancer or other problem in the spinal cord.
  • improper sitting posture
  • Exercising too much or exercising incorrectly
  • lifting too much weight
  • continuous long driving
  • working on a laptop or computer for hours

Ways to prevent back pain

  • First of all, correct your sitting and walking posture.
  • The mattresses you sleep on should not be too soft or too hard
  • Take breaks in between while working on computer and laptop. A break of 5 minutes is necessary after every 45 minutes.
  • Learn how to exercise properly
  • A person can lift twice as much weight as his body, but only those people who do this work regularly can lift so much weight. Avoid lifting so much weight suddenly.

home remedies to get rid of back pain

  • Add ajwain, grated garlic and fenugreek seeds to mustard oil and cook it well. Now filter this oil and keep it in a glass jar and massage it every night before sleeping.
  • Keep a bottle of hot water and make a compress of hot water in case of pain. It should be compressed at one place for only 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Pain relieving gels and tubes are not a permanent cure. Therefore, to get immediate relief, use them but do see a doctor later.
  • Include turmeric milk in your daily diet. Turmeric is a complete pain reliever. Chronic pain of the body can be cured by its regular consumption.
  • Bring Ayurvedic pain killers like Shool Virginie Vati in your home. In case of severe pain, take one to two tablets with warm water. Like English pain killers, they do not give other diseases to the body.
  • Taking cold water bath in the winter season can also become the reason for increasing pain. So use lukewarm water in bath.
  • Cold winds also increase the pain. If you already have a problem of back pain, then do not go out in cold winds and if you have to go out, cover yourself well with warm clothes.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or concerned expert.

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