Personal Trainer Creates Exercise Regimes Based On Game Characters

Have you ever wondered how your favorite gaming characters manage to stay in shape? The eBuyer company has partnered with personal trainer Mike Harle to put together training regimens for the Incredible Hulk, Lara Croft, Luke Skywalker, Mario and Thor. “But don’t try this at home!”

eBuyer is an East Yorkshire based electronics retailer that was founded in 1999. Harle is the owner and operator of the Frontrow Gym in Yarm.

“How much does the Hulk need to eat a day? Is there more to Lara Croft’s routine than crawling around ancient tombs? How is it that Mario can jump so high and look like he’s devouring a full English breakfast every morning? What did Thor need to do after Endgame to get his divine body back?

“Well, here at eBuyer, our team has been pondering all these questions and more, so much so that we set out to find out exactly what some of our favorite gaming characters would need to eat and do to stay fit when they’re not saving the world. ”

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The training regimens range from relatively realistic to incredibly outrageous. Lara Croft falls into the first category. She needs to be “strong, yet flexible, with a lot of athletic and gymnastic prowess to defeat her enemies. That means building a healthy level of muscle without bulking up.” His training is all about cardio and “bodyweight training that works large muscle groups simultaneously without the use of additional weights and exercise machines.”

When it comes to food, eBuyer has Lara Croft pretty committed. “Lara has many options. With his vast pockets of wealth, he can afford the best food from around the world, which means he won’t have a problem eating well while tailoring his diet to perfectly complement his training.” It sounds like she dines with a silver spoon.

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While you can probably keep up with Lara Croft, the same can’t be said for the Incredible Hulk. According to eBuyer, “You would need to eat a literal amount of stir-fry every day to maintain body mass.” The kind of strongmen who “pull trucks for fun” provide the best analogies in this particular case. “Strong men need to train their entire body to be able to perform the feats of physical strength required in their competitions. This not only involves a variety of strenuous weightlifting exercises, but also explosive bursts of cardio training.”

A screenshot showing Lara Croft running from a crashing plane in Tomb Raider (2013)

Strong men have to store an incredible amount of energy. “The average strong man needs a minimum of 10,000 calories a day to maintain muscle mass. The requirements for the Hulk dwarf this. Literal liters of protein shakes are the order of the day, as are copious amounts of lean meats and a healthy dose or two of nuts, berries and fruit.” In other words, the Incredible Hulk would be stuffing his face all day.

While your favorite gaming characters would have some pretty extreme training regimens, we can’t all be like Lara Croft and the Incredible Hulk. The only thing you really have to do to stay fit is eat right and exercise.

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