Davina McCall’s changes to diet & exercise after ‘a slobby week’

Davina McCall’s Instagram is full of videos of her talking about exercise and diet, specifically for women who are perimenopausal and menopausal. The TV stalwart has also released recipe books and exercise videos in the past, for those who want lose weight.

Davina always looks stunning, often flaunting her fantastic figure in a fitted dress or suit. What is her diet and exercise regimen to stay fit and healthy?

The presenter talked about her exercise routine in the past, saying that she makes sure to get plenty of exercise and eat healthy to “stay alive longer.”

Davina explained that in order to feel healthier or lose a little weight, “it will reduce my calorie intake and exercise can be a little more difficult.” This is if “I’ve had a sloppy couple of weeks and put on some weight or need to tone up.”

She continued, “For me, working out isn’t just for Christmas and New Years. It’s not just to put on a bikini. It’s to stay alive longer.”

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“I really enjoy the way it helps my head stay clear of negativity. It’s a win-win all the way around.”

Davina has always been skinny, but the 54-year-old slimmed down even more from a size 12 to a size 10 in 2018.

She said at the time, “I’m about 9-10 pounds and wear a size 10, which is one size smaller than I was last year, so that’s great. I’m very, very happy.”

“However, I don’t want to lose any more weight right now. This is exactly where I want to be.”

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As for dinner, Davina explained, “If I’m with the kids, I’ll probably do some kind of steak and potatoes.

“But I could have a salad with some meat. Likewise, if I’m doing a rotisserie chicken, they could have fries, but I’ll just have the chicken in a salad with some avocado or another kind of crunchy vegetable.” I can find. I try to mix it up, because otherwise we all get bored.”

Over the years, Davina has released numerous fitness DVDs and currently has a fitness Instagram account where she encourages her followers to work out regularly. As a member of Davina’s Own Your Goals online gym, users can get free access to her virtual fitness classes.

The online gym features a variety of different classes every day, including pilates, high-intensity training, and weight lifting. Davina also participates in these classes and posts video evidence on the Own Your Goals Instagram account.

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