The lack of this vitamin has a direct connection with cancer, definitely protect it

Vitamins: Vitamins are very important for the body. The body gives many indications when there is a deficiency of vitamins. Doctors tell that there are many types of vitamins and each vitamin has a different importance in the body. Do you know that some vitamins are so important for the body that due to their lack or lack of them, there is a risk of causing a deadly disease like cancer. Apart from this, many other symptoms emerge in the deficiency of this vitamin. If not taken care of in time, then the problems can increase. Let us know about this vitamin and how it can be supplied in the body.

Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of cancer
Doctors tell that vitamin D is very important for the body. It works to strengthen the bones of the body, as well as improves the immune system. The chances of heart disease are less. Reduces the risk of developing auto immune diseases. Apart from this, the important work of having this vitamin in the body is that if there is a deficiency in the body of this vitamin, then there is a risk of developing many types of cancer.

Vitamin D deficiency can cause depression
Vitamin D directly works to control the neurological order. If there is a deficiency of vitamin D, then the chances of neurological disorders are high. Doctors tell that if there is constant fatigue in your body. If there is no desire to work at all and there is trouble in walking, then it is an indication of vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D also disturbs the mood. If the deficiency of Vitamin D is persistent then a person may suffer from depression and anxiety. The direct effect of vitamin D deficiency is seen on the hair. If the hair is falling continuously and is not stopping even with the use of medicines, then the level of vitamin D in the body needs to be checked.

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How to increase vitamin D
Vitamin D levels can be increased in the body by consuming oranges, bananas, papayas and other fruits and vegetables, besides a natural medium sun is the biggest source of vitamin D. Doctors say that if you are sunbathing for half an hour daily in the morning, then there can be no deficiency of vitamin D in life.

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