Slim Down a Thick Waistline With This Workout Trainers Love — Eat This Not That

Let’s be honest: You’re ready for a slimming routine that will get your waist in shape, and we’ve got you covered. With the purpose of lose inches off your waistStrength training is prioritized over cardio to ensure you build muscle, burn more calories, and increase your metabolism. To get you started on the right foot, we’ve created a productive workout that trainers love that will help you slim down a fat waist.

One of my personal favorite workouts is a full body strength circuit. Each exercise in the circuit is of the fundamental movement patterns— squat, deadlift, push and pull. You’re going to complete each exercise back to back, choosing a weight that you can barely finish the 10th rep with in good shape. Keep in mind that because this is a tough workout, it’s important to rest 60-90 seconds before starting the next set, with the goal of doing 3-4 sets total. And at the end of the workout, you’ll finish with an abdominal exercise.

Below is a sample strength circuit that you can incorporate into your routine to slim down a thick waist. Get ready for the results you’ve been looking for.

dumbbell squat
Tim Liu, CSCS

Begin your dumbbell goblet squats by holding a dumbbell vertically in front of your chest. Make sure your core stays tight as you drive your hips back and squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Rise ¼ of the way up, then lower back down, then drive through your heels and hips to return to standing, flexing your quads and glutes to finish.

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Supinated pulldown exercise to slim down a thick waistSupinated pulldown exercise to slim down a thick waist
Tim Liu, CSCS

For the lat pulldown, you’re going to grab the lat pulldown bar with your arms shoulder-width apart and your palms facing you. Lean back slightly and pull the bar toward your sternum with your elbows, squeezing your lats at the bottom of the movement. Use resistance on the way back, keeping tension on the lats. Stretch well at the top letting your shoulder blades rise before doing another rep.

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barbell overhead pressbarbell overhead press
Tim Liu, CSCS

Start with barbell overhead presses by holding the bar to the front of your shoulders with your hands slightly outside shoulder-width apart and your thumbs on the bar. Keeping your chest up and core tight, push the bar up until your arms are fully extended, flexing your triceps and shoulders at the top of the movement. As you press the bar up, you can bring your head slightly forward so that it is in line at the end of the movement. Lower the weight back down using the control to the starting position before completing another rep.

Trainer Demonstrating Romanian Dumbbell Deadlift to Reverse AgingTrainer Demonstrating Romanian Dumbbell Deadlift to Reverse Aging
Tim Liu, CSCS

Next, it’s time for the Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift. To start, you are going to grab two dumbbells and place them in front of you. Keeping your chest up and your knees soft, push your hips back as you drag the weights up your thighs. Once you feel like you’re getting a solid hamstring stretch, push your hips forward, squeezing your glutes to finish.

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Lying Leg Raise Exercise to Slim Down a Thick WaistLying Leg Raise Exercise to Slim Down a Thick Waist
Tim Liu, CSCS

Last but not least, we are going to move on to the lying leg raises. Begin the exercise by lying down, making sure your lower back is flat on the floor. Make sure your core stays tight and bring your feet up toward your body, flexing your abs hard. Slowly lower your legs, keeping tension in your core before performing another rep.

Tim Liu, CSCS

Tim Liu, CSCS, is an online fitness and nutrition coach based in Los Angeles. Read more about Tim

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