Kitchen Hacks | Cooking Tips: How to fry food to get the perfect crispy crunch dgtl

The trend towards fresh cooking has increased. Lately he has been making everything from chicken tandoori to khasi meat. Appreciation is also received from loved ones. But in the case of frying, there is a problem. Tried everything from rice flour to cornflour, but nothing would make the fry crispy.

Whether it’s chicken pakoras or cutlets, if you don’t know how to make it, it’s hard to feel like a shop! It also happens in many cases that when something is fried, it is crunchy but softens after a while. If you follow a trick, the frying pan will always be fried, there is a trace of it.

1) Children love to eat french fries. However, despite trying at home, it doesn’t get crunchy like in the store. The reason for this is that potatoes contain starch and if the starch sticks to the potato before frying, it does not become crispy during frying. So while doing French fries, cut the potatoes into specific sizes and soak them in cold water for half an hour. Only then will the French fries be crispy.

2) Different oils have different smoking points. The hotter the oil, the crispier the fry. White oils, such as almond oil or sunflower oil, have a higher smoke point. So if something is fried in that oil, it becomes more crunchy.

If you have a little time on hand, the double frying method is quite good!

If you have a little time on hand, the double frying method is quite good! Photo: Collected

3) It is difficult if the oil is not heated to the right level during some frying. Never fry pakoras or cutlets in cold oil to prevent them from getting crispy. Overheating will cause them to burn again. So heat the oil well and when the smoke starts rising, lower the gas flame and fry your favorite snacks.

4) Leaving too many things in oil at once will never curdle. So it is better to fry little by little according to the size of the pot you are frying.

5) If you have a little time on hand, the double frying method is quite good! In this case, leave a frying pan in oil and keep it half fried. Fry it again in oil before eating. Your breakfast will be crunchy.

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