Wrist pain got you down? Try these simple stretches and exercises to help relieve the pain

Carpal tunnel syndrome, which is a painful condition of the wrist and hands, can be surprisingly limiting. Suddenly, activities like typing or texting on your phone, Playing basketball or tennisplaying a musical instrument or even driving can become uncomfortable. The good news is that you can perform some very basic stretching and strengthening exercises for carpal tunnel syndrome that can help prevent wrist pain and help you rehabilitate and recover from carpal tunnel syndrome once symptoms appear.

If you start to notice a twinge or pain in your wrist or hands after a long day at the computer, read on for the best. Easy exercises for carpal tunnel Y it stretches for the relief of carpal tunnel syndrome. Be sure to see a doctor to get the best possible treatment plan, especially if the pain doesn’t go away.


What is carpal tunnel syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful condition of the wrist and/or hand caused by pressure or compression on the median nerve, a long nerve that extends from its origin in the spinal cord to the arm, elbow, wrist, and hip. hand.

Between the forearm and the wrist, the median nerve travels through a tight structure of connective tissue (known as the carpal tunnel) on its way to the palm and fingers. When that nerve gets pinched or damaged, that’s where the tingling and pain of carpal tunnel syndrome begins.

What are the main causes of carpal tunnel syndrome?

Pressure along the median nerve, either further up its course or in the carpal tunnel itself, can cause the uncomfortable symptoms associated with carpal tunnel syndrome, such as pain, tingling, and numbness in the wrist, hands, and fingers. first three fingers

Carpal tunnel syndrome usually has a gradual onset, so as soon as you start noticing symptoms, it’s important to start addressing them to identify the root cause of the median nerve compression. For example, many people develop carpal tunnel syndrome from using poor ergonomics when typing on the computer. If you rest the inside of your wrist on the edge of the keyboard or desk as you type, you will put pressure on the carpal tunnel. Make sure your hands are up.

If you are not sure what is causing the symptoms you are experiencing, it may be helpful to work with a physical therapist who can identify potential pressure points along the course of the median nerve and develop a treatment program specific to you.

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Can exercise fix carpal tunnel?

Although treating carpal tunnel syndrome can be complicated, depending on the severity of symptoms and the particular cause of your case, you can help reduce pain by strengthening the muscles that surround and control your wrist and hand and stretching the tissues bordering the carpal tunnel and the median nerve.

Also, stretching the postural muscles can relieve pressure on the median nerve closer to its point of origin. Unlike many traditional stretches for tight tissues that involve holding a position for 30 seconds or more, most effective stretches for carpal tunnel syndrome involve controlled movements that help the median nerve glide more easily.

The best exercises and stretches for carpal tunnel

Here are some of the best stretches and strengthening exercises for carpal tunnel syndrome.

Wrist flexion/extension

Strain on the wrist flexors and extensors can exacerbate the pain and stiffness caused by carpal tunnel syndrome. Also, by working on the mobility of these muscles, you help them relax and release tension around the median nerve.

Here are the steps:

  • Raise your arm and bend your elbow so that your upper arm is parallel to the ground and your hand points toward the ceiling. Turn your hand so your palm is facing your face.
  • In a fluid motion, extend your wrist (moving your palm toward the ceiling) and then flex your wrist fully forward so that your palm faces the inside of your wrist with your hand bent.
  • Continue going back and forth in one smooth motion 10 times.

Median Nerve Slips

This stretch for carpal tunnel pain helps mobilize the median nerve to “unstuck” it wherever it may be trapped or compressed along its course.

Here are the steps:

  • Start with the affected arm stretched out to the side of your body parallel to the floor (about halfway up the letter T) and keep your fingers curled toward the ceiling.
  • Gently tilt your head in the opposite direction, as if trying to bring your ear closer to your shoulder.
  • Extend your wrist, pointing your fingers toward the ground while simultaneously tilting your head toward your outstretched arms.
  • Turn your head back to the starting position while flexing your wrist and curling your fingers toward the ceiling as they were at the beginning.
  • Continue this motion four to five times, moving slowly and carefully. If you experience any pain, stop immediately.
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wrist circles

When symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome first appear, the pain may cause you to limit movement in your wrists to reduce discomfort. This can lead to increased tension and weakness in the muscles that control the wrist. This carpal tunnel exercise helps maintain wrist mobility necessary for activities of daily living, such as using a knife, typing, brushing your teethor holding a dog leash.

Here are the steps:

  • Extend your arm out straight, palm facing away from you, as if signaling someone to stop.
  • Turn your wrist in a full circle clockwise.
  • After five rotations, turn your wrist counterclockwise.
  • After five counterclockwise rotations, flex your wrist so your fingers point toward the ground.
  • Complete five circles with your wrist in each direction.

Chest Opening Stretch

Poor posture, including slouching and slouching over a keyboard or phone, can lead to tight chest muscles and overstretching of the upper back muscles. Postural muscles also affect the health of the median nerve, so it is important to stretch and strengthen them and adopt good posture when dealing with carpal tunnel syndrome.

This stretch for carpal tunnel syndrome opens up the chest. Here are the steps:

  • Extend your arms out to your sides like a giant letter T, and then continue to reach back until your hands are clasped behind your back.
  • Press into your chest to deepen the stretch.

towel grips

It’s important to work on your grip strength, and this exercise builds your grip strength and helps build strength in your wrist extensors and flexors. You can use a towel or a soft ball as a stress ball.

Here are the steps:

  • Squeeze a stress ball or hand towel as hard as you can while simultaneously extending your wrist (fingers toward the ceiling, palm away from your body).
  • Perform 10 squeezes, holding each for three to five seconds.
  • Repeat the exercise, but this time flex your wrist so that your fingers are toward the ground and your palm is facing your body.
  • Do another 10 squeezes.
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letter T increases

This carpal tunnel exercise strengthens the trapezius muscle in your upper back, which helps maintain ideal posture and prevents compression of the median nerve.

Here are the steps:

  • Lie on your stomach with your forehead resting on a rolled-up hand towel or small pillow. Put your arms on either side of your body to form a giant letter T.
  • Squeeze your upper back muscles to lift your arms off the ground, keeping your elbows straight. You can hold light dumbbells or water bottles to increase the intensity of the exercise.
  • Lower your arms down slowly and with control.
  • Do two to three sets of 20 reps.

tendon slips

This ultimate mobility exercise for carpal tunnel syndrome helps keep the tendons in your hand and fingers strong and mobile.

There are several tendon gliding exercises for carpal tunnel syndrome, but here are a few you can do to get started:

  1. Close your fist, squeeze, hold for a few seconds and relax. Repeat 20 times.
  2. Make a claw hand by bending only the fingers so that the fingertips touch the bottom third of the fingers, and then straighten them again. Repeat 20 times.
  3. Form an “L” with your hand by keeping your fingers completely straight and bending the base of your fingers so they form a 90-degree angle with your palm. Relax and repeat 20 times.
  4. Curl your fingers down one at a time to the palm of your hand, and then open them again. Repeat 20 times.

Remember, the earlier you start rehab exercises and stretches for carpal tunnel syndrome, the more effective they will be in relieving symptoms. Try to do these mobility and strengthening exercises once or twice a day, as tolerated.

If your symptoms don’t respond or start to get worse, visit a physical therapist for a more complete evaluation and treatment plan.

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