Noticing changes in your child’s behaviour? Treat the signs as alarms!

Have you noticed any changes in your child’s behavior lately? Well, behavior is the way one acts or behaves, especially towards others in response to a particular situation or stimulus. A growing child, especially teenagers, undergo rapid transformations, both physical and emotional. It is important to monitor the child’s behavior and notice sudden changes.

According to Dr. Elaprolu Madhavi, a clinical psychologist/behavioral therapist at the Fernandez Child Development Center (FCDC), a change in a child’s behavior is related to whatever happens.

Parents must make the child understand the need and availability of adequate care and support during this difficult stage of his life, adds the expert.

What is problem behavior in children?

Behavior may be described as challenging or unwanted when the behavior is inappropriate for the child’s age or developmental stage or cultural background. It should be a cause for concern when a child’s behavior interferes with the rights of others or causes harm or risk to the child, other children, adults or living beings.

“As a parent, you should consider it a serious problem if you find your child trying to harm the physical environment, or showing learning disabilities, having relationship problems, or starting to appear shy or passive,” says Dr. Madhavi.

Know when it’s a sign of trouble. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

Warning signs related to a child’s behavior

* Drastic changes in behavior or personality
* Argue a lot or ask a lot of questions
* sibling rivalry
* Speak irrelevant when asked
* Get angry or nervous easily
* Avoid activities that interested them
* Avoid eye contact
* Spending more time on social media (watching porn or gaming and betting)
* Often appears angry
* Blaming others/feeling jealous of others, low self-esteem regarding their abilities
* self blaming
* Have difficulty handling frustration
* Frequent tantrums and outbursts
* Sadness feelings
* Social withdrawal and isolation.
* Self-harm, including suicidal thoughts or threats of self-harm or others
* Damage or destroy property
* Lying or stealing
* Doesn’t do well in school, skipping classes
* Indulgence in smoking, drinking, drug use, or sexual activity
* Constant hostility towards authority figures
* Weight fluctuations
* Changes in appetite, eating disorders, avoid eating at home
* Neglecting personal hygiene and appearance
* speech-related problems such as stuttering/stuttering or stuttering
* Nocturnal sleep disorders
* School complaints
* Procrastination of academic activities.
* Problems with peer group, friends or relationship problems

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depression in children
Various experiences can trigger mental health problems among children. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

Causes of behavioral changes in a child

Dr. Madhavi explains that internal and external factors can be the root cause of a sudden change in your child’s behavior.

Internal factors include biological factors, emotional development, and the child’s temperament. Even an existing disability can affect a child’s social and emotional well-being. Other reasons could include hormonal changes, depression, anxiety, and exposure to drugs and alcohol.

External factors include parenting styles, family relationships, sibling rivalry, changes in family circumstances, a recent traumatic event, bullying, body shaming, criticism, physical abuse, sexual abuse, limited social experiences, family or cultural expectations , transformation/adaptation. Problems and financial crisis.

How to Manage a Child’s Challenging Behavior

1. Exercise with common triggers, including the environment or with certain people.

2. Teach them coping strategies like controlled breathing, relaxation techniques, or counting to reduce stress.

3. Stay alert and try to anticipate problems.

4. Avoid parental anxiety and anger

5. Parents should give children the opportunity to express their feelings, problems and not judge and guide their children to solve them by giving them options instead of pressuring them to do so.

6. Motivate the child to develop skills for problem solving, decision making and dealing with concerns.

communication with children
Keep communication channels open with your children. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

7. Reinforce the child for appropriate behaviors and focus more on the child’s strengths.

8. Avoid aggressive communication and maintain assertive communication.

9. Parents should plan a family time where each family member can share concerns and discuss solutions.

10. Create a strong support network of family and friends. Seek professional help and guidance from professionals, if necessary.

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