7 Muscle-Building Supplements That Actually Work

Miljan Zivkovic

I remember like it was yesterday: waking up on christmas morning and unwrapping a Hulkamania training set. Five-pound blue dumbbells, poster, jump rope, grip strength handle, headband, and wrist wraps. Like many other kids my age, I religiously followed those workouts, along with saying my prayers and taking my vitamins, just as Hogan preached. but i never Quite he grew the 24” pythons that Hogan promised. (Maybe I didn’t say the right sentences or take the right vitamins?)

Fast forward many years. Vitamins, and their general category of “supplements,” have certainly changed. Tons of scientific research has come out since those Hulkamania days. And I’m a registered dietitian nowSo I’m very aware of all that research and supplements on the market that actually work because they’re backed by some of that research.

But, let’s first discuss what it takes to build muscle and how much you can expect supplements to help with that growth.

First, building muscle isn’t easy, it doesn’t happen overnight and it actually does. plus with adequate rest and recovery.

Second, “Based on a 2017 meta-analysis and general anecdotal evidence working with athletes, the average amount of lean mass a typical male can gain is 1 to 2.5 pounds per month,” says Marie Spano, MS, RDN, CSCS. , CSSD, author of Nutrition for Sport, Exercise and Health and MLB Consultant. “Beginners and those who are undernourished at the start of training can increase their calorie intake, and protein can be at the higher end of this scale.”

With that said, let’s take a look at supplements that have the potential to enhance your gains, assuming all other factors such as general nutrition, sleep, recovery, training schedule and the like are well controlled.

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And all of my picks are Informed Choice, NSF Certified, or USP Certified, which guarantees the quality of the ingredients within the products and that they are free of contaminants.

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Whey protein isolate, unflavored

Exercise breaks down muscles. Protein is necessary for repair and recovery. Whey protein is rapidly absorbed, high in leucine, an amino acid necessary for growth, accessible, affordable, and more rapidly absorbed.


Micellar casein, unflavored

Milk protein is made up of two types: whey and casein. Whey is absorbed more quickly, while casein is absorbed more slowly. But both have merit in terms of recovery and potentially muscle growth.

A 2020 study published in the journal Physical Activity and Nutrition reviewed data on the effects of casein protein before bedtime on recovery after exercise and concluded that studies have shown that casein protein before bedtime (40 to 48 grams, 30 minutes before bedtime) may help recovery after exercise and positively affect acute protein metabolism and performance


almond protein powder

Sometimes you just don’t want a dairy-based protein. Enter, almond protein.

So this is not actually a supplement, but a food made from just one ingredient, blanched almonds. Each serving contains 20g of plant-based protein, with the bonus of being rich in calcium and fiber to help fuel hard-working muscles. Plus it’s versatile and not only good for smoothies but I only used a little bit on banana bread, it works well with oatmeal and yes, smoothies too.


Beta alanine-SR

While not often thought of for its contributions to muscle, some data certainly supports Beta Alanine as a muscle-building supplement.

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A 2018 study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition provided subjects with 6.4 grams/day of beta-alanine (divided into 8 X 800 mg doses, 1.5 hours apart). After a specific exercise protocol, the researchers found that the supplementation was effective in increasing power output.

More power output can ultimately lead to more profit. Observe the divided doses; A side effect of beta-alanine supplementation can be tingling in the extremities, but splitting doses can minimize that side effect.



Many supplements often arrive with gale force winds, full of promise and excitement. And they go out as fast as the results rarely match the marketing hype. Creatine is an exception.

With over 25 years of research support, creatine helps regenerate ATP (the body’s “energy currency”) helping with recovery, size and strength. Eric Rawson, Ph.D., a professor at Messiah College, is a creatine OG, researching the supplement in the early 2000s as a Ph.D. student at UMASS when he was working on my MS

He adds: “Once muscle creatine is increased, brief, high-intensity exercise performance can be improved. For example, a soccer player on a breakaway would have more fuel in his muscles to sprint past the defense. Additionally, resistance training is a short, intense form of exercise, so performance in the weight room is also enhanced. In this way, creatine monohydrate supplements are a double threat; it improved athletic performance and also improved strength and conditioning workouts leading to better training adaptations and has been shown to be effective in all populations, regardless of age or gender.”


Ultimate Sport Omega-D3

This may be a surprise. Omega-3 fats are widely researched and noted for their heart and brain health benefits. But a 2017 investigation study also found that fish oil supplementation can relieve delayed-onset muscle soreness after resistance training. While this study used a relatively high dose (6 grams daily), others have found similar benefits with doses lower than 3 grams.

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Vitamin D3 2000 IU (50 mcg) Softgels

Like fish oil, vitamin D can come as a surprise. There aren’t many stoned brothers flexing with their bottle of vitamin D. But insufficient is common, particularly in the winter months for those north of Atlanta where the sun isn’t as strong or you won’t be outside with exposed skin as often.

Vitamin D concentrations play a role in many of the body’s systems, including skeletal muscle strength and function. This known connection led to the idea that increasing serum vitamin D concentrations might be a complementary approach to improving strength after exercise.

Subjects in a 2013 study were randomized to 4,000 IU of vitamin D, and researchers found that this supplemental dose attenuated blood markers as a result of muscle damage and improved overall recovery. Most experts agree that optimal serum levels should be between 40 and 80 ng/mL, so have your levels checked the next time you have a blood test.

Chris Mohr, PhD, RD is co-owner of Mohr Results, Inc (MohrResults.com), a wellness consulting company.

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