Marathon Training: 6 Tips to Support Your Mental Health


Publisher’s note: Stephanie is a member of the Beyond Type Run Team 2022—a team of nearly 50 people living with type 1 diabetes who will run the New York City Marathon on November 6, 2022. They are on a mission to raise awareness and funds for type 1 diabetes. Cheer on Stephanie at by making a giveaway on your fundraising page!

Diagnosed with type 1 diabetes eight years ago, I am now a 21-year-old college senior at the University of Florida. I’m a full-time student, I intern at the state attorney’s office, I’m the president of the UF Diabetes Institute Student Ambassadors, I’m studying and taking the LSAT while applying to law school, and I’m trying to enjoy my last year at university. with all my friends, all while training for the New York marathon, where I would run with the Beyond Type Execution equipment!

I know that my situation is not unique. We are all balancing so much! But that balancing act is mentally and emotionally stressful.

To ensure that I can train for the marathon in the midst of many other activities, I’ve learned a few key ways to help with the balancing act. Hopefully these will help you too!

Reach out to friends and family for support

Something about me: I’m stubborn! I usually like to handle stressful things on my own. But with everything on my plate, I’ve needed all the support I can get.

Look for people who can possibly relate to you, whether it’s running, work, or other responsibilities. As part of the Beyond Type Run team, I have been blessed with a group that I have been able to reach out to with any questions or concerns I may have as a first time marathon runner.

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My family and friends have also been very helpful. My parents came to visit me the weekend of my 20 mile run and my mom drove while I ran to give me water and Gatorade when she needed it.

take care of your mental health

Preparing to take the LSAT and applying to law school have been some of the most mentally challenging things I have ever had to deal with. I took the LSAT the day before my 22 mile run. I was mentally exhausted after my LSAT, and couldn’t even bear to think about running 22 miles (my longest run before the marathon).

So I took the rest of that day off. I had homework and studies that I could have done, but I put myself and my sanity first because I needed to. I knew that if I kept trying, I wouldn’t be able to run 22 miles the next morning, and Taking care of our mental health is key.

Focus on one thing at a time

As much as I wish I could do a million things at once, I can’t. There are times when my heart feels so overwhelmed because I start thinking about all my upcoming deadlines.

I have found it very helpful to schedule my shorter runs during the week in the afternoon to get a good break between going to class during the day and studying in the library at night.

After my long runs on Saturday I am exhausted so I make sure I have a clear schedule for the rest of Saturday or save some lighter tasks to complete after my run.

keep doing the things that make you happy

Marathon training is exhausting and can put a lot more stress on your life. One thing I’ve learned is that I can’t let those stressors take away what makes me happy.

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Whether this means going out for a bite to eat with friends, cooking a nice meal at home, just snuggling up and watching a movie, or even traveling on the weekends, it’s important to continue living your life as you normally do.

find that balance

From communicating with family and friends to taking care of your mental health and continuing to do the things that make you happy, overcoming the challenges that come with training for a marathon is tough. And type 1 diabetics have to do all of this while managing our blood sugar levels.

Find that balance between life, work, diabetes and training. It takes a lot of patience, but training for this marathon has been very rewarding. Every time I finish a long run, I say to myself, “YOU did that!” I can’t wait to cross that finish line in New York City along with my type 1 diabetic team!

remember your why

Finally, use your dreams as motivation. In October 2021, I had an assignment in one of my classes to create a resume for my future self in 5 years.

A few days ago, I was updating my resume and came across such an assignment. In volunteer experiences, he said that in 2025 he had run the New York City marathon with a diabetes team. And look at me now!

WRITTEN BY Stephanie Diaz, POSTED 10/27/22, UPDATED 10/27/22

Stephanie is from Miami, Florida. She is of Cuban descent, is a senior at the University of Florida, and hopes to attend law school next year. She has lived with type 1 diabetes for 8 years.

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