How to nail evening workouts this winter

Is there an optimal time of day to exercise? When it comes to blood sugar control, there may be…

A new study led by Dr. Jeroen van der Velde of Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands suggests that exercising in the evening or at night (between noon and midnight) may be more beneficial than spreading the activity throughout the day, which could reduce insulin resistance by up to a quarter.

Insulin resistance occurs when muscle, fat, and liver cells are less able to absorb glucose (sugar) from the blood, which means the pancreas has to work harder to produce insulin, which helps process. Over time, insulin resistance can lead to prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.

Of course, when we exercise often depends on our individual circumstances, so don’t give up on workouts early if that’s what works for you.

“It’s so important to remember that any movement or workout is better than none,” says Katrin Schlee, Gympass Master Personal Trainer. “As long as you can fit it in, it’s better than nothing, and you’ll feel so much better about it.”

But if you want to aim for exercise later in the day, here are some key things to think about…

What if I just can’t be bothered later in the day?

The urge to lie on the couch can be strong at night, especially this time of year. There’s nothing wrong with a little cozy Netflix, but if you’re determined to work out in the afternoon or after work, there’s hope: “If your energy is running low, it’s really important to plan an activity you really crave. Find one.” activity to love,” suggests Schlee.

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“It might be a good idea to arrange to do it with a friend, so that they are responsible for showing up,” he adds. “And if you’re motivated to get started, you shouldn’t have any issues with energy levels once you hit the ground running. The benefits are fantastic for mental health, and the muscular system and cardiovascular system will benefit as well, depending on how you train. “

Make the most of online options

With so many options online now, exercising at home has never been easier: find something you can do as soon as you arrive, while you’re cooking dinner or the kids are at their clubs or watching TV, for example.

“Online/app workouts are a fantastic option for those with limited time,” says Schlee. “Also, live online classes or getting a PT online are a great way to work out, and you don’t have to compromise on quality just because you can’t get to a gym – there’s so much available online now.”

Will exercising later affect my sleep?

While afternoon exercise shouldn’t be a problem, if you’re exercising later in the evening, you may want to consider intensity. “It’s important to know your own body and what works for you, but it’s been proven that high-intensity training close to bedtime will raise your cortisol (stress hormone) levels and affect the quality of your sleep,” says Schlee. .

“If this is the only time of day you can exercise, then it’s important to take extra time to relax, rest and let your body calm down before bed to maximize recovery during sleep. A quiet session of yoga or Pilates, or a low-intensity exercise or stretching should be absolutely fine before bed, and might even help you relax, unwind, and fall asleep faster.”

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That said, Shlee notes that it’s still important that we get enough vigorous, moderate-intensity exercise to reap the broadest benefits for cardiovascular health, so keep that in mind, too. Ideally, we should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity per week, spread out over at least four to five days.

go to the pool

“Swimming is a great way to exercise your whole body, including your cardiovascular system. Plus, you can usually do it if you have an injury or pain, as the buoyancy allows you to do more,” says Helen O’Leary, physical therapist and instructor/ director at Complete Pilates.

“And swimming can be a great thing to do at night, because it can help you sleep. There have been some studies showing that it helps older people with insomnia, and people have reported that their quality of life improved because of it.

“It also helps improve your mood and manage stress levels, which is great to do at the end of a stressful day at work. It helps you wind down before heading out for a night out with your family or partner.”

What about running?

Running would help meet those more intense exercise goals, but if it’s already getting dark, visibility should be a primary consideration. “Wear clothing that makes you highly visible,” says fitness expert and PT Laura Williams. “Think high-visibility flashlights, handheld or headlamps, ankle lights, LED armbands, reflective gloves and lanyards… Stay visible to pedestrians, other joggers, bicyclists and motorists.”

Another consideration is warmth: “Invest in clothing that helps keep you warm, while helping to wick moisture away from your skin. Gloves and hats are also useful in winter, even if you don’t normally wear them,” says Williams, who suggests talk to a consultant at an outdoor or running store if you’re not sure what you need.

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Footwear is also key, as there can be an increased risk of slipping this time of year (and stay inside if conditions aren’t right!).

Finally, this is definitely not a time to skip the warm-up. Williams suggests doing some dynamic (moving) stretching and jogging at home before you leave, then static stretching when you’re done. “He starts his run at a slow to moderate pace, relieving his muscles to run in cooler temperatures,” he adds.

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