‘Cramped’ mental health wards set to close and relocate

Two mental health wards at Southmead Hospital will be closed, but care will be provided elsewhere in Bristol.

Hospital care currently provided in the Oakwood and Mason pavilions in Southmead will be transferred to a mental health hospital in Brislingtonif the plans are approved by the Government.

Southmead Hospital’s outdated wards do not meet current standards, so patients will benefit from more modern facilities at Callington Road Hospital, a local health committee heard yesterday (Wednesday 26 Jan).

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Oakwood is a 23-bed ward for adults with acute mental health needs, the meeting heard.

Mason Ward is a designated “health-based safe place” for adults and youth who have been detained by police under the Mental Health Act.

Oakwood’s pavilion is “cramped,” has “very little space for therapy” and “poor sight lines, including corridor T-junctions and doglegs,” according to a meeting report.

Mason ward is designed to keep patients inpatient for up to 72 hours, rather than the current expected maximum of 24 hours, and its location means “sometimes” there are problems with patients presenting to the main hospital or the department of emergencies “unnecessarily”. He says.

Peter Tilley, deputy chief financial officer of the Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership National Health Service Trust, told the South Gloucestershire Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee that there were several good reasons for moving services to Callington Road Hospital.

Patients will benefit from a better care environment, it should be easier to hire permanent staff at a facility that is modern rather than old and outdated, and it is better for patients and staff to have inpatient mental health care services in one place, he said. .

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Furthermore, it would take a “significant amount of work” and cost around £9m to bring the two Southmead halls up to standard, Tilley said.

callington road

The trust plans for the relocation of “core” mental health inpatient services in Bristol, north somerset Y south gloucestershire they will be funded by £7.5m of government funding if approved by the Department of Health and Social Care.

Tilley said work would start later this year and finish in 2024 if the plans get the green light.

The total number of inpatient mental health beds in the region would not change but would remain the same at 74, according to a report from the meeting.

Committee members gave their unanimous support for the plans.

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