Banana Shake Side Effects: 4 Health Risks of Consuming This Beverage Daily

Let’s know what happens to your body when you consume banana shake daily.

Side effects of banana shake: 4 health risks of drinking this drink every day

Side Effects of Banana Shake: Banana shake is a popular drink, especially among children. This drink still tops the list of our breakfast and snack time menu because breakfast time is not complete without it. This is a simple drink made from banana and milk. However, experts believe that bananas and milk are not the best combination. While both are highly nutritious on their own, they don’t go well together. While the combination of milk and banana can be ideal, both make up for each other’s nutritional deficiencies (milk lacks the dietary fiber that bananas have), when both enter our bodies together they do not perform the same function. We often have banana shakes for breakfast or as a light snack in the evening, however, there are some side effects of eating banana shakes every day.

Side Effects of Banana Shake:

  1. You may gain weight: The high amount of sugar found in bananas encourages weight gain and if you plan to have them in the form of a milkshake, you can expect to add a few inches to your waistline.
  2. Your blood sugar level may rise: If you enjoy a banana or banana milkshake but need to keep your blood sugar levels stable, take it easy, or at least switch to a starchier, less ripe banana with a lower GI level.
  3. You may experience constipation: Bananas contain significant amounts of tannic acid. While this chemical is not harmful in small amounts, anyone who eats several bananas or banana shakes daily in one sitting may experience chronic constipation. So, try to take it in moderation.
  4. You may have a migraine: Science has proven that certain chemicals and nutrients can cause migraines, and unfortunately, bananas contain one of these harmful compounds. The chemical tyramine has been proven to affect the way migraines develop, and unfortunately, bananas contain a ton of this chemical.
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Published Date: November 5, 2022 6:18 PM IST

Updated Date: November 5, 2022 6:20 PM IST


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