Visceral fat: The lipid-lowering food that depletes fat storage ‘significantly’ in weeks

visceral fat it can increase the risk of metabolic syndrome and heart attack because the substances it releases are inflammatory. Unlike subcutaneous fat, it sits deep in the abdomen, where it cannot be pricked or seen. The probability of carrying visceral fat increases with age. Fortunately, however, one food could reverse visceral fat gain within weeks, according to one study.

A 2007 study published in the British Journal of Nutrition set out to examine the effects of dietary chickpeas on visceral adiposity dyslipidemia and insulin resistance.

Study link: [Dietary chickpeas reverse visceral adiposity, dyslipidaemia and insulin resistance in rats induced by a chronic high-fat diet | British Journal of Nutrition | Cambridge Core]

The study was conducted on rats that were fed a normal diet, a high-fat diet, or a high-fat diet plus chickpeas over a period of eight months.

They noted: “An insulin tolerance test, an oral glucose tolerance test, and an insulin release test showed that chickpeas significantly improved insulin resistance and prevented postprandial hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia. “

Looking at visceral adiposity, the researchers noted significant differences between the three groups.

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Visceral adiposity was much higher in rats given a high-fat diet, compared to rodents given a high-fat diet with chickpeas.

Additionally, compared to the high-fat diet group, the chickpea treatment resulted in a 45% decrease in LDL cholesterol and a 35% increase in HDL cholesterol.

One limitation of the study was that it was carried out on mice, but it is one of many to highlight the weight-loss qualities of chickpeas.

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In fact, a 2016 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition confirmed that consuming legumes could help with weight loss by promoting satiety.


The researchers showed that a single serving of legumes, such as chickpeas, each day was enough to contribute to modest weight loss by making people feel fuller.

Lead authors Dr Russell the Souza, a researcher at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute at St Michael’s Hospital in Canada, said: “Despite their known health benefits, only 13 per cent of Canadians eat legumes in a day. determined and most don’t eat the full portion. .

“Therefore, there is room for most of us to incorporate dietary legumes into our diet and realize the potential benefits of weight management.”

One promising finding from the study was that it found significant effects without any effort to cut back on other foods.

Fiber-rich foods are considered beneficial for weight loss because they promote prolonged satiety, which helps control appetite.

Also, because the fiber found in chickpeas is soluble, it is particularly beneficial for maintaining a healthy gut microbiome, which can help maintain weight.

Also, soluble fiber is very beneficial in lowering bad cholesterol by binding to LDL molecules within the digestive tract and moving them out of the body.

Health body My Net Diary explained: “One study found that women who ate chickpeas instead of white bread ate fewer calories at their next meal.”

The results are consistent with more recent findings stemming from research on the weight loss effects of chickpeas.

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The food is packed with a host of key vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins, iron, phosphorus, and magnetism.

Also, proteins are said to have a thermic effect during digestion, compared to carbohydrates and fats.

This means that the body is likely to burn more calories while digesting protein than with other macronutrients.


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