When is a root canal done, why is it done? – GoMedii

Root canals are used to treat gum disease and infections. In this, the inner parts of the patient’s tooth are cleaned and the damaged tissue is cleaned and the teeth are filled again. But sometimes after having a root canal, many problems arise. Many people complain of severe pain and swelling in the teeth after having a root canal.

But have you ever wondered what could be the reason for the swelling of the teeth after getting a root canal. Actually, usually when a root canal is done, it takes our teeth to the roots. Not only this, the areas around the tooth also move. This causes pain and swelling in the teeth and gums. However, this pain should subside on its own in a day or two. If this is not the case then there could be many other reasons behind this. In this case, you should immediately consult your doctor. to consult a doctor Click here,

  • When the nerves of the teeth are damaged
  • When teeth are darkening or lost due to infection
  • Teeth tingling from wearing toothpaste and fluoride

What are the causes of swelling after a root canal?

improper root canal

If root canal It can also lead to infection and inflammation if not done properly. In such a case, the dentist taps and examines which area of ​​the tooth the patient is feeling pain and then performs radiography. Usually if there is swelling associated with the root canal, we can see it at the tip of the tooth where there is swelling or it can be seen on the surface or side of the roots.

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In this condition, the swelling usually does not bother and many times it starts growing inside. The reason for this is that when there is an infection in the tooth, it starts putting pressure on the bone from there.

As it makes its way through the bone and has an outlet to exit. Then pus becomes here. Then the doctor treats him. Once the pus is drained, the swelling doesn’t actually hurt, but can damage the surrounding bone or even damage other teeth. In that case, see a doctor immediately.

food stuck between teeth

After root canal, it is often asked to take care of some things related to food and drink. But when there is a disturbance associated with these and food gets stuck between the teeth, it leads to swelling of the gums. That’s why it is said that floss should be done well after eating. Otherwise the infection may increase.

In addition, if you had a root canal during pregnancy, your gums may still swell. In such a situation, if it is ignored, then this condition can turn into periodontitis, which can be more serious and can damage other teeth.

carelessness after root canal

After getting a root canal, the doctor is asked to take care of some things. But sometimes people ignore it. Like not brushing carefully and getting hurt. Second, eating hard food can get food stuck in the teeth. This can lead to infection.

What is involved in root canal treatment?

When your teeth are replaced, they are attached to your jaw bone via titanium. However, when a dental bridge is used, a bridge is installed that extends to and supports the jaw bone. This bridge is similar to the denture that you attach to your existing tooth.

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There are two types of root canals, open and closed. A closed canal requires that a thin flexible tube called a cannula is inserted through the gum into your mouth. Then, the infected pulp is taken out through a thin, rigid tube called a pharyngeal siphon. The open canal procedure requires oral surgery and general anesthesia.

recovery after root canal

You recover within a few weeks after root canal treatment. Recovery also depends on the extent of your infection in the beginning. Infections confined to the teeth tend to heal within four to six weeks. However, if the infection has spread to the jawbone as well, it can usually take several months for a full recovery.

How is a root canal procedure done?

step 1
The doctor numbs the tooth or the affected area around it. After it takes effect, an anesthetic is injected into your gums. During this you may feel slight pain, which gets better soon.

Step 2
The pulp present in the teeth is removed. The doctor will clean all the canals of the teeth with the help of files (instruments used to clean the teeth). This reduces the risk of tooth infections and food deposits.

Step 3
Once the pulp is removed, the dentist coats the area with an antibiotic to ensure that the infection is completely gone and to prevent re-infection. After this, the doctor fills the teeth with sealer paste. Your dentist may also recommend oral antibiotics.

Step 4
Finally, a crown (cap) is placed on this tooth, which can also be the color of the tooth or other metal. It is attached to the filling material.

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if you Root Canal If you want to get it done, then you can choose GoMedii for this. We work as a medical tourism company in India. Along with this we are associated with top class hospitals and doctors. If you want to get treatment then you can contact us. to contact us Our WhatsApp number (+919654030724) Or you can email us at [email protected].

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