Significance Of Morning Breakfast For Children

Nutrition in children has been the subject of much research and study, especially its role in the neurocognitive development of children from the womb to childhood. Neurocognitive development refers to the development of the brain and the knowledge and skills that help children think about and understand the world around them. Studies have shown that insufficient nutrition in children puts them at high risk for exhibiting impaired cognitive abilities. The quality and quantity of food available to students affects both their academic performance and their body weight compared to other children in the same age group1.

In India, initiatives to improve children’s nutrition have a long history. It was in 1923 that the then Madras Presidency began providing school lunches. After independence, it was in the mid-1980s that three states began a universal lunch program for primary school children, followed by a further nine states in 19912. In August 1995, the National Meal Scheme (MDMS)3 began , a -sponsored plan that today covers all school children studying in Classes 1 to 8 in government and government-subsidized schools and addresses problems related to nutrition and health of children through the provision of a healthy meal.

While the Midday Meals Program has been a success, expanding over time to now feed the largest number of children in any country in the world, now is the time to extend its reach to breakfast, which is the most important meal of the day . Eating a full and balanced breakfast every morning is important and impacts both the well-being of students and their performance in the classroom. Studies also indicate that children who eat breakfast regularly are generally healthier and do better in school. A healthy and nutritious breakfast satisfies children’s hunger, and students make healthier choices about their other meals at school since they are not motivated by hunger4.

While some kids have the opportunity to eat breakfast at home, many don’t. As a result, many students may not eat their first meal until lunchtime. This can lead to morning hunger and the reasons for this can range from lack of time to affordability. Many children have classes that start early in the morning and some children also need to take their school bus or other means of transportation to get to school on time. This lack of time can be easily remedied by serving breakfast cereals that are nutritious and quick to prepare. Mixed with milk, cereals make a quick and nutritious breakfast.

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For children from disadvantaged families, affordability is one of the main reasons children go to school hungry. Due to financial problems, some parents are unable to adequately feed their children healthy, well-balanced meals and end up skipping breakfast meals. When these children come to school hungry, they are not in the ideal state to learn, as hunger will be on their minds, as they wait for their midday meal, since most of them are students in government or state-subsidized schools. government. .

To address the issue of affordability, it is important that the government and organizations working in the field of food and nutrition establish sustainable programs so that disadvantaged children can obtain nutritious food on a regular basis. This has been recognized in the new National Education Policy 2020, which proposes that the Lunch Regime be complemented by breakfast. The policy highlights how a nutritious breakfast in the morning can improve student productivity and aid in the study of more cognitively demanding subjects. Tamil Nadu has taken the lead in launching a breakfast scheme covering classes 1-5 in government schools5.

Morning hunger and its consequences can be addressed through simple breakfast options that include breakfast cereals and milk to provide a nutritious and filling meal for children to start their school day. Addressing morning hunger through breakfast in addition to the midday meal will also help impact education in India.

About the Author: Dr.Pankaj Jethwani is the co-founder of The Breakfast Revolution.

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