Green tea vs protein shake: What’s better to drink before and after a workout?

Green tea and protein shake is considered one of the most famous and effective drinks for weight loss. In fact, they can boost energy levels, keeping you active throughout the day. Therefore, many fitness enthusiasts drink them before or after their exercise routine. Although the benefits of green tea and protein shakes are well known, is one better than the other for weight loss? Let’s find out!

Health Shots spoke with Dr. Swathi Reddy (PT), Consultant Physiotherapist and Certified Dietary Counsellor, and MIAP, Motherhood Hospitals, Bangalore, to learn about the benefits of these two drinks and their pros and cons for weightloss.

Dr. Reddy says, “You need to drink something post-workout to get the energy you need and also to hydrate. Many fitness enthusiasts turn to protein shakes after their grueling workouts, but there may be other options to choose from. One of those options that has emerged is green tea.” It is a drink known for its health benefits and its high content of antioxidants. But what is better, a protein shake or green tea? Let’s find out!

These are the benefits of green tea:

There is a reason why green tea has become one of the most preferred beverages and why fitness enthusiasts never stop falling in love with it. It’s low in calories, high in antioxidants, and not to mention helpful for weight loss. This is how it will help fitness enthusiasts:

1. Accelerate metabolism: Green tea will increase your metabolism, which will help you burn more calories. It also contains EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate) which helps prevent disease.

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Green tea is an immunity-boosting drink! Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

2. Regulates heart rate: Your heart rate increases when you exercise. Green tea is known to have a relaxing effect on your body and consuming it will also help you slow down your heart rate.

3. Antioxidants: This drink is rich in antioxidants and will also help you deal with muscle pain and fatigue.

Also read: Green juice or protein shake: is one better than another to lose weight?

4. Improves energy levels: Exercise can make you feel low on energy, but drinking green tea can keep you going all day.

5. Low in calories: Fitness-conscious people are mindful of their eating habits. They can opt for green tea as it is a sugar free drink.

Benefits of protein shakes:

We are probably aware of the popularity of protein shakes. These are easy to make, which is why fitness freaks love to take them along. Here’s how they benefit your body if consumed post-workout:

1. Muscle growth: Protein is an essential component that our body needs to grow. Protein shakes are a good option to keep protein levels in check.

benefits of green tea
The protein shake can help with muscle growth and energy. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

2. Post-workout recovery: One of the common reasons protein is consumed post-workout is to soothe and speed muscle recovery.

3. Accelerates metabolism: They give your body the fuel to build and repair muscle. At the same time, they help burn fat faster.

Also read: Eat protein or drink protein: which is better?

4. Added Nutrients: Protein shakes provide your body with extra nutrition that your diet might be lacking.

5. Convenient: Other sources of protein may require a bit of effort on your part, such as roasting chicken or preparing lentils can be a good deal. But when you don’t have time for all that, protein shakes really can save you.

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Which should you choose for weight loss, green tea or a protein shake?

Both beverages can support a healthy metabolism and reduce appetite. They can also help you lose body fat without losing muscle. Therefore, they are both incredibly healthy!

benefits of green tea
Drink green tea and boost weight loss. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

Dr. Reddy says, “Which one you choose depends on the type of training you’re doing in the gym. In the case of heavy training, intensity training or Weightlifting, protein shakes are good. If you’re at the gym for a workout like a treadmill or bike ride for a shorter period, green tea might be a good place to start!


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