‘Low carb, low calories’: Michael Mosley’s rice recipe ‘cheap and very tasty’

michael mosley showed his followers how he makes his healthy, low-calorie alternative to rice.

Michael broke down the vegetable equivalent of white rice, comparing one cup of each.

While cauliflower rice has 20 calories per cup compared to 210 calories for white rice.

It has 4 g of carbohydrates compared to 46 g of carbohydrates in white rice and 2 g of fiber compared to 1 g of fiber.

Michael’s followers discussed the merits of cauliflower rice in the comments.

Another said: “Dry fried and roasted, delicious. To recommend.”

Michael recently showed his followers how he does his sauerkraut recipe.

He explained, “It’s a type of ferment that’s packed with healthy prebiotics and probiotics, delicious, cheap, and really easy to make.”

Fermented foods have been found to support weight loss and healthy digestion.

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