Man detained under mental health act after police called to reports of stabbing

One man has been arrested and another has been detained under the mental health law after police were called to a house twice in the space of 90 minutes.

Officers were originally called to a ‘riot’ at the property on Car Bank Street, athertonat 1:40 p.m. today (Friday, January 28).

A man in his 20s was arrested on suspicion of a fight.

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At 3:10 p.m., police received reports that a man had been stabbed in the same house.

When the police arrived, a man was detained under the mental health law.

Greater Manchester Police (GMP) are now investigating to establish if there really was a stabbing at the address.

A GMP spokesperson said: “Police were called at around 1.40pm today (28th January 2022) to Car Bank Street, Atherton for a report of a disturbance involving two men inside an address.

“Officers attended and a man, in his 20s, was arrested on suspicion of a fight.

“Police were later called to the property at around 3:10pm to receive a report that a man had been stabbed.

“Officers attended the address and a man was subsequently detained under the mental health law.

“Investigations are underway to determine whether or not someone has been stabbed.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact the police on 0161 856 3034 or 101 citing incident 1707 of 01/28/22.

Alternatively, details can be passed through our LiveChat feature at or via the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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