The 3-step yoga routine that will help you get rid of belly fat

Widened waistlines and protruding bellies are commonplace these days. This was something that afflicted middle-aged people, but these days it’s common to see youngsters with a large girth as well. The first and main cause of obesity or protruding bellies is consuming more food than we need or spend in our daily activity. Added to this is a new age culture of eating fast food, processed foods, and foods that are high in fat and sugar. This causes fat to accumulate not only around the abdomen but throughout the entire body system.

Fatty tissues are deposited around organs such as the heart, liver, kidneys, and muscles, resulting in lower energy and vitality in the person. The accumulated fat prevents insulin from converting the accumulated fat into energy, making the person prone to diabetes, heart and blood pressure, combined with the external manifestation of an obese body which is a brake on the weight factor. feel good about the person

Yoga is a holistic practice that impacts all the vital organs, cardiac, respiratory and endocrine systems of the body, all of which also affect your mental and emotional state. Here I have detailed a simple and gentle way to get into a yoga regimen with a few asanas, which will put you in good physical, mental, and emotional balance. You can practice these along with other asanas or experience regimen.

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If you suddenly start a vigorous and challenging practice, you may not sustain it or become discouraged by its demands. Therefore, start with the practice of warming up the body. This will start to activate your muscles, joints and will impact blood circulation throughout the body. It just helps you get into more vigorous asanas.

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These are some of the asanas, which will surely put you in a well shaped body and fight fit energy levels. They are practices that directly impact the stomach muscles and help to reduce and tense them.

1. Pada chakrasana (leg rotation): Lie on your back. Relax the whole body. Internalize consciousness. Rotate your right leg in a full circle clockwise initially for 3 rounds slowly, building up to 5 and finally 10 rounds. Repeat counterclockwise. Do the same with the left leg. After a few days of single leg practice, rotate with both legs together. See that your knee is straight at all times. The movement should be from the hip joint downward, therefore the hips remain flat on the ground at all times. Do not start with both legs together immediately. Practice on one leg for a week or two, then slowly start doing leg rotations with both legs together.

It is excellent for obesity, tightening the stomach muscles and toning the abdominal and spinal muscles.

Note of caution: People with high blood pressure, heart or stomach problems should seek expert guidance. Leg rotation with both legs should be done after enough stamina has been built up with single leg practice. Leg rotation with both legs is a strenuous practice. Initially, you should rest between each round. And after 3-5 rounds, see that he relaxes and his breathing returns to normal.

2. Padasanchalan (Cycling): Continue lying on your back. Relax the body. Keep the palms of the hands next to the body, facing up. Relax your shoulders. Try not to use your shoulders and arms to support the movement of your legs.

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With the exhalation, bend the right knee and bring the thighs closer to the chest. Then, as you inhale, in one continuous motion like riding a bike, straighten your leg out to 90 degrees from your body. Then with the knee straight. bring the leg closer to the ground. Then bring your thigh back to your chest and continue this cycling motion. Start with three rounds, then five, and finally build up to 10 rounds. Repeat with the left leg and finally with both legs together after enough practice.

Precautionary advice: PA patients should be careful when performing this practice. So also those with severe lower back problems. It’s a strenuous practice, especially when you do both legs together. Therefore, be sure to relax and regain your normal breathing between each round. Slowly but surely you will build up stamina to go through the rounds non-stop.

Blood pressure, heart, and lower back problems must first be resolved through asana and pranayama practice. It is an excellent practice to tone the stomach muscles, eliminating fat in the hip and stomach area.

3.Surya Namaskar: This is a holistic asana that tones the entire body. Just as the sun provides vital energy for life on earth, Surya Namaskar awakens and energizes the entire body, the mental system. It helps to break the vicious circle of indolence that creeps up with the gradual increase in weight gain. There are many videos showing the 12 asanas that comprise half a round of Surya Namaskar.

Initially, one can start by doing only a few of the asanas, then as the body becomes freer and stronger, the person can easily perform the entire practice. It should be followed with relaxation practices such as Shavasana or Yog Nidra.

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It is a safe solution to eliminate excess weight throughout the body. Yoga students report that this combination of Surya Namaskar followed by a relaxation practice helps them get through the day with energy and balance, which is an unbeatable combination.

Cautionary Tip: Those who have blood pressure, heart, or back problems should seek expert guidance and approach slowly. Or better still, you should practice asanas and pranayama that help correct these problems and then start without any fear with the practice of Surya Namaskar. It is not prohibited for them. In fact, if learned in the proper way, it will definitely be helpful for blood pressure, heart, and back problems.

The sustained practice of yoga makes you aware of the healing abilities of your own body. Arouse a positive attitude and help turn dietary indulgences into health and fitness foods. A combination of yoga with a healthy diet will lead to excellent physical condition and health.

Kamini Bobde is a Kundalini practitioner who follows the yoga tradition of Swami Satyananda Saraswati. She is the author of Kundalini Yoga for All: Unlock the Power of Your Body and Brain. Posted by Penguin

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