3 Effective Tips To Lose Face Fat From a Doctor and Trainer

If you feel like your face is a little fuller than you’d like, you’re not alone. We’re not going to paint a pretty picture and promise you an easy fix, because “spot reduction” unfortunately doesn’t exist. There is no particular way to lose fat on face or focus on losing weight in any specific part of your body. Instead, you will need to reduce your overall weight. We are here to introduce you how to lose facial fat: the most effective diet and exercise tips, according to the professionals.

We reached out to the experts and learned that the first steps you should take are maintain a low calorie diet and to increase the amount of exercise you get every day A healthy diet is crucial, along with a combination of aerobic exercise Y strength training for the highest calorie burn per hour of exercise. As for a low calorie diet? Stick with plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, and lean protein, and ditch foods that are high in added sugars or carbohydrates. Let’s move on to more specific habits to add to your routine.

1. Watch your sodium intake.

bowl of sea salt

mike bohlMD, MPH, ALMthe Director of Medical Content and Education at ro and member of our board of medical experts, suggests a specific step when trying to lose facial fat, and that is to keep track of how much sodium you eat. He explains: “Sodium, which is found in salt, retains water, and this can make people feel puffy and puffy. Often this puffiness is noticeable on the face. So while you won’t necessarily lose fat from your face, sticking to a low-sodium diet can help your face look and feel slimmer.It is generally recommended that adults consume less than 2,300 mg of sodium per day (with less than 1,500 mg of sodium per day being a target even better)”.

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2. Choose fat burning foods that you will stick with.

It is important to be aware of what you are eating. “A buzz phrase that sometimes comes up when talking about dieting is ‘negative calorie foods.’ These are foods that supposedly burn more calories to digest than they actually contain, so when you eat them, you literally have negative calories.” , notes Dr. Bohl. He adds: “However, the science regarding whether negative calorie foods really exist is not that strong. What is more likely is that these types of foods are very low in calories and high in water, so You’re not actually getting any negative calories from them, but you’re not significantly increasing your calorie count for the day either.”

Examples of “negative calorie food” items on the list are carrots, celery, carrots, watermelon, lettuce, cucumbers, and some fruits. Include foods like these in your diet, as well as stick to a calorie deficit and maintain a consistent diet plan of mainly vegetarian food—can be effective for losing fat throughout the body, even face fat.

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3. Combine resistance training and cardio.

woman demonstrates how to lose facial fat with resistance training, lifting weightswoman demonstrates how to lose facial fat with resistance training, lifting weights

Anthony J. Yeung, CSCSfitness expert and founder of BoyfriendBuilder, shares some workout tips on how to achieve a leaner body and slimmer face. He recommends combining resistance training with your cardio each week; don’t just focus on cardio.

Yeung suggests, “Do resistance training two to three times a week and cardio two to three times a week. Eat healthy 80% of the time and you can splurge the other 20%.” By following this routine, you will not only burn fat and calories, but you will also strengthen the muscle underneath, resulting in a much leaner person.

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Yeung also stresses the importance of staying away from “junk food” that contains processed ingredients. These snacks will not only add extra body fat, but can also make his face look puffy.

alexa mellardo

Alexa is the Mind + Body Deputy Editor for Eat This, Not That!, overseeing the M+B channel and providing readers with engaging topics on fitness, wellness and self-care. Read more about Alexa

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