Feed Your Gut & Fend Off Stress With The Psychobiotic Diet

In just four weeks, participants following a psychobiotic diet rich in high fiber and fermented foods experienced lower perceived stress levels, healthier bowel movements, healthier inflammatory metabolite profiles, and slightly improved microbial composition and function.

If you’re looking for an easy and effective way to add more prebiotic fiber, probiotics, and postbiotic support to your diet, consider a high quality fiber supplement like mindbodygreen’s organic fiber power+.* This innovative formula provides comprehensive intestinal support through 6 grams of dietary fiber from legumes, organic fruits and vegetables (i.e. guar bean, kiwi and a trio of mushrooms), plus the unique and resistant spore-forming probiotic strain Bacillus subtilis ATCC122264.*

Simply add a scoop to your favorite food or drink each day to promote digestion and regularity!* Your gut-brain axis and mental well-being will thank you.


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