Why should milk be drunk while standing and water while sitting? here is the answer

Drinking water is essential for our body. A healthy person should consume 2 liters of water every day. You must have often heard about water that water should be drunk while sitting, which is also correct. But, many people then think that if it is right to drink water while sitting, then why is it harmful to drink milk while sitting? If this question also comes in your mind, then today in this article we are going to answer it.

That’s why you should drink milk while standing

By drinking milk while standing, it reaches easily to all parts of the body and gets absorbed quickly. Due to this the body gets all the nutrients. On the other hand, if you drink milk while sitting, this position acts like a speed breaker and the milk slowly moves to different parts of the body. By drinking milk while sitting, it stays in the lower part of the esophagus. If this process continues for a long time, problems like gastroesophageal reflux syndrome can arise.

This is why you should drink water while sitting

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If you drink water while standing, then it can cause problems of acidity, gas, gout etc. On the other hand, by drinking water while sitting, it reaches all parts of the body well. The body absorbs as much water as it needs and the rest of the toxin is excreted through urine. By drinking water while sitting, harmful substances do not dissolve in the blood and the blood remains clean.

If you have compulsion to drink milk while sitting then do this

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If you have to drink milk sitting under compulsion, then keep in mind that do not drink it in a hurry. Take small sips so that your stomach can digest it properly and you do not have any problems like cramps etc.

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