Six ways reading can improve your mental health

Book lovers have vouched for the immense benefits of reading for centuries, but nothing seems convincing to those who find reading to be a chore. After learning about the scientific advantages of reading for mental health, whether you don’t read or find reading to be a chore, you’ll realize the benefits. Here are six ways reading can improve your mental health:

By relieving stress

Numerous studies have repeatedly shown that reading can reduce stress and the negative emotions it causes in the mind and body. Reading for just thirty minutes a day releases happy hormones like dopamine and serotonin and reduces the effect of the stress hormone cortisol. Stress, especially over long periods of time, can affect how the brain works and slow down how the body works. When you read, you break away from what’s triggering you and tune into an alternate world, making reading a relaxing activity.

By improving brain function

They say if you can’t trust words, trust numbers. Various studies and reports on various groups of people indicate that reading improves brain function. Enhanced brain activity can, in turn, improve mental well-being and flexibility. It also improves longevity. Research has shown that reading activates brain networks and connectivity and turns on the somatosensory cortex responsible for our physical sensations. Studies also show that the habit of reading prevents cognitive diseases such as dementia and forgetfulness. Reading stimulates neural networks in a way that keeps your mind engaged and polished.

By improving the quality of sleep.

Nothing works more for a good night’s sleep than a reading session. Even 15 to 30 minutes of reading has been shown to have a calming and relaxing effect on the brain by slowing heart rate, lowering blood pressure, and relieving stressful emotions. Reading helps you disconnect from daily stress or exhaustion produced by a hard day at work in a healthy way, something you need before falling asleep. Be sure to choose something lighthearted (or prepare yourself for nightmares) and avoid reading from a screen for that blissful uninterrupted sleep. Reading at night also works for non-readers, as simply picking up a book can be enough to calm you down. Either way, you’ll be drifting off to pleasant dreams before you know it.

making you more empathic

Reading makes people empathetic and aware of the emotions and energies of others. Because books, both fictional and nonfictional, show a wide variety of characters from different walks of life, reading various content broadens your perspective. It makes you more receptive to lives and beliefs different from your own, thus improving your level of empathy. Empathy and the positive emotions that come with it can improve your mental health. In addition to making you an easygoing and tolerant person, it can give you a brighter outlook on life and make you appreciate what you have, which will improve your mental health like a ripple effect.

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Breaking sabotage habits

Ignorance is not bliss if you’re going to think about it. Because reading opens your mind to new possibilities and alternative ways of thinking, it encourages mental flexibility. In order to preserve and improve mental health, one must be open to making changes and taking steps to improve their mental health in the first place. Mental wellness is not a linear process, but reading can help you take responsibility and be open to change. A habit of reading can help you introspect more deeply, better understand your emotions and those of your peers, and develop a stronger relationship with yourself.

Helping you stay in the present

Because reading engages your mind and keeps you engaged in all aspects of the content, it helps you better connect with the present moment. Therefore, reading can instill mindfulness and effortlessly create a state of zen in you. Just ‘being’ can do wonders for your mental health. Anchor yourself in the present. Free yourself from the burden of the past and worry about the future. Interestingly, reading works in the same way as other stress-relieving activities like yoga and meditation and has similar effects on mental well-being as laughter.



The opinions expressed above are those of the author.


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