Natural ways to reduce blood sugar level, effect will be seen in just 15 days

High Blood Sugar: The problems caused by diabetes are understood very well by those people, who themselves are victims of this disease or someone in whose house is suffering from this disease. When blood sugar is high, the most problem is related to urine. If there is an injury, it takes a long time to heal. For this reason there is a need to be extra careful all the time. However, if some special things are taken care of in daily food and drink, then you can keep your blood sugar under control for lifetime…

way to control blood sugar

If you want, you can control your blood sugar within just 15 days. For this you have to remove these 5 things from your daily life. These rules can be adopted by diabetic patients of all ages.

  • Sugar, white curd, flour and gluten-rich things.
  • habit of sleeping after eating
  • late dinner habit
  • have to give up lazy lifestyle
  • Stay away from anti-diabetic pills too

How to get benefit?

  • Your body gets amazing benefits by doing at least 40 minutes of walking, doing yoga or cycling and doing at least 20 minutes of breathing exercises every day.
  • Being active increases blood circulation, due to which the amount of oxygen in the body remains good. Its biggest advantage is that the liver’s power to detoxify the body increases, due to which insulin secretion remains correct and blood sugar control remains.
  • If you want to reduce blood sugar level naturally in 15 days, then you have to do both these things every day. That means every day you have to take out 1 hour for yourself.

keep these things in mind while eating

  • You do not have to use white sugar, white flour and white curd. Instead of these, you should eat fruits, dry fruits, berries etc.
  • Cow’s ghee and cow’s milk should also be consumed in limited quantity every day.
  • Millets, Ragi, Amlan seeds, Oatmeal, Sprouts etc. have to be consumed every day.
  • Avoid having dinner late at night. Try to have dinner before sunset.
  • Do not go to sleep immediately after having dinner. Have dinner two hours before going to bed and take a slow walk half an hour after dinner. Try doing this work for just 15 days, the results will surprise you.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

Read also: The medicine to increase immunity is in the kitchen only, these are 3 types of special tea, the benefits of which will be seen in a few days.

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