Green tea is good for your health but marketing makes it seem like a ‘superfood’. It’s not

GRAMReen tea remains a popular diet and fitness trend, with proponents calling it a “superfood” for its marketed health benefits, including weight loss, improved heart health, and antioxidant content . It seems that a large portion of people believe that their weight loss journey is incomplete without at least three cups of green tea a day. Sometimes people also sweeten it with honey, so it is not suitable for weight loss. There is no doubt that it is an excellent source of catechins such as epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG which act as antioxidants and are linked to numerous health benefits. However, green tea alone cannot bring the desired result and consuming too much of it can also cause serious side effects.

The benefits of ECGC in green tea have been studied extensively, but the results so far have not produced enough strong evidence that it works to detoxify your body, treat illness, and promote longevity. Health and longevity are determined by several factors, including a diverse diet that green tea could be a part of.

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Evidence of the benefits of green tea

Green tea contains antioxidants that are beneficial to overall health. However, there is a need to critically evaluate the specific claims that it enables weight loss and healthy aging, prevents cancer, and improves brain function.

Green tea is highly touted for its fat-burning and metabolism-enhancing effects. The proposition is based on observation that catechins in tea prevent obesity by increasing thermogenesis. However, clinical trials have not tested this hypothesis. Almost all commercially available ‘fat burners’ contain green tea extract as an ingredient. These ‘fat burners’ have dangerous side effects too.

Green tea is also associated with a lower risk of diabetes. A meta-analysis studied 17 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and concluded that green tea reduced fasting glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin, two biomarkers of type 2 diabetes. Similar results were seen in a retrospective cohort study from Japan with 17,413 participants. However, limitations include self-reported diabetes and lack of consideration of other dietary factors.

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Researchers have found an association between ECGC and a lower risk of cancers such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, and lung cancer. Plus evidence, however, is epidemiological, observational, or based on a mouse model. There are no RCTs with significant evidence to establish the effect of ECGC in the prevention of cancers. Likewise, there is multiple mechanistic data suggesting that green tea polyphenols such as ECGC, theaflavins and catechins could prevent the neurodegenerative effects of diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. However, human clinical studies are not yet available to support this claim.

The evidence does not support green tea as a “superfood” to cure all ailments. A wide variety of other foods with excellent antioxidant and nutrient profiles are available that may provide similar health benefits.

Also read: Stay away from detox “scams.” No single food or drink can be your medical miracle

Do not drink too much

Too much of everything is harmful. In a 2007 study, researcher M Nathaniel Mead mentioned that animal-based research on green tea polyphenols was found to cause liver, kidney, and gastrointestinal damage. There are several case reports. available in humans showing that a large consumption of green tea extract could cause liver damage. People with liver dysfunction should consult their doctor before starting any pill containing the extract. Tannin, present in teas, including green tea, is linked to poor absorption of iron and the appearance of anemia. In a case report, a 48-year-old man who drank six cups of green tea every weekday for seven years, developed anemia. Too much caffeine can also steer anxiety, sleep disorders and upset stomach.

How much is too much? It’s a million dollar question since the guidelines aren’t very clear about green tea consumption. For starters, not everyone should drink green tea. A complete medical history should be taken before consumption. It’s also unclear whether green tea is safe beyond a certain intake. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health in the United States recommends eight cups of green tea a day. However, you should check the label to determine how much caffeine is in the product. To avoid adverse effects, I recommend drinking no more than two to three cups a day.

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Alternative antioxidant foods and drinks

In my opinion, no single food or drink can provide the most favorable health outcome. In general, health benefits are determined by the composition of a diet. Despite this, if you are too devoted to drinking green tea every day, you should know that there are many other alternatives that are cheap, convenient and full of nutrients. Some of these options are coffee, pomegranate, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, amla, and citrus. Even though coffee has plus antioxidants than green tea, higher caffeine intake should be avoided to prevent sleep disorders. Coffee has also been linked to health benefits such as weight loss, reduced risk of colorectal and liver cancer, and preventative effects on neurodegenerative diseases. Beverages are naturally preferred over food to ensure daily antioxidant intake, as drinking several cups of coffee is easier than eating a plate of berries.

A plate full of fresh green vegetables and antioxidant-rich fruits is nutritionally superior to a cup of tea or coffee. Whole fruits and vegetables are high in natural polyphenols, as well as fiber and micronutrients. With nuts and seeds added to this salad bowl, the nutritional profile can be further enhanced.

Dr. Subhasree Ray is a doctoral fellow (ketogenic diet), certified diabetes educator, and clinical and public health nutritionist. She tweets @DrSubhasree. Views are personal.

(Edited by Srinjoy Dey)









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