Is drinking coffee on an empty stomach in the morning beneficial or not? Know the answer from the expert

Coffee Health Benefits: Many people start their day with coffee. There are a large number of people in the world who like to drink coffee as soon as they wake up in the morning, that is, on an empty stomach. Because it helps to keep them fresh. Many people also consider it good to consume it in the morning to keep the mood good. However, is drinking coffee in the morning on an empty stomach beneficial for health? Can drinking coffee on an empty stomach harm health? Let us know the answers to these questions.

Several studies suggest that the rate of metabolism of caffeine (the major component present in coffee) varies from person to person. It depends on genetic variations. This is the reason why some people who drink coffee in the morning get a boost. While no effect is seen in other people.

According to an India Today report, Dr. Edwina Raj, Head of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics at Aster CMI Hospital, Bengaluru, said that people look to coffee as a source of energy to do different tasks. They also drink coffee first thing in the morning to improve their mood. Many fitness lovers also drink coffee, because it works to increase their exercise ability. Those who metabolize coffee fast, its effect is better on them. The effect of caffeine is also more on such people.

Who should not consume too much caffeine

However, people who have severe gastric problems, stomach ulcers or irritable bowel syndrome are advised not to consume caffeine in excess, or take it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, as it can increase gastric secretion. Dr. Edwina Raj said that coffee can have an effect on the intestine. If you cannot metabolize caffeine, it can also cause heartburn and increase blood pressure. This can lead to insomnia and sleep disturbances.

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Beneficial for some, not for others

Dr. Edwina Raj said that drinking coffee in the morning can be beneficial for some, while it can prove to be harmful for some. For people who have gastric problems, coffee can work to stop acid production in the stomach. However, to dilute it a little, taking coffee with milk can prove to be good. It can also be mixed with breakfast. Dr. Edwina Raj advises not to keep a long gap between your coffee and the first meal of the day. Because caffeine remains present in the body. Its effect can last for hours. Conclusion- Drinking coffee on an empty stomach does not cause much harm, as it has antioxidant benefits as well. But if you cannot metabolize coffee, then it can also cause harm.

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