Drinking these two drinks, not hot chocolate and alcohol, will make you feel warm in winter

Hot Drinks For Winters: If taste lovers are asked which are the best drinks or liquids for winter, they will answer without delay… Hot chocolate, warm cocoa, coffee and tea. All these drinks can be good to make you feel warm in winter. But how would it be if you don’t feel cold even in winter that you start chilling! It is absolutely possible. The two drinks that you are being told about here are such surprising drinks, which are also tasty and do not harm the body like the above-mentioned caffeinated things…

Best drinks to reduce the effect of cold

  • Golden milk which we all call turmeric milk. Mixing turmeric and jaggery in milk, when you consume it every day, then cold does not bother you.
  • Milk is considered a complete food, which fulfills all the needs inside the body, jaggery is rich in iron and works to boost blood circulation and turmeric has antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties along with being warm in nature. Is plentiful.
  • When these three are consumed together, the body is able to maintain its temperature comfortably. This milk also increases immunity, due to which seasonal diseases and infections do not occur.

Broccoli and Almond Soup

  • Consumption of broccoli in winter is very beneficial. Then whether you boil it and eat it, roast it or eat it after making soup. winter broccoli soup
  • It should be prepared by adding almonds. While preparing this juice for one person, use 10 to 12 almonds and consume it only once a day.

Try consuming these two drinks every day, you will see the result yourself. That means neither you will shiver due to cold nor diseases will catch you due to cold and strong winds. You can also give these two things in small amounts to children. If the child has immunity week and he keeps having problems like cough-cold-fever again and again, then both these things can also be given every day.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

Read also: From the village square to the five star hotel, why is it customary to eat fermented food in India… For whom is it most healthy?

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