What is the difference between bacteria and virus? Know all the information related to both

Whenever you are ill, people often say that you have become ill due to some virus or bacteria. However, no one pays attention to whether you have become ill due to bacteria or due to virus. Some people even think that these two are the same. However, this is not the case. Both are completely different from each other. The diseases caused by both are also different and the diseases caused by both are also treated in different ways. Let us know what is the difference between the two.

How are bacteria

Bacteria are single celled organisms. Bacteria reproduce on their own. Bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics. Bacteria are living cells that can reproduce themselves. Bacteria have existed on earth for billions of years. Bacteria are bigger than viruses. Bacteria have their own metabolic processes and can produce energy. Both bacteria and viruses can cause diseases. The bacteria can be spread through direct contact, contaminated food or water, or through the air.

How are viruses

Viruses are very small and do not have cells. Viruses need to infect a host cell in order to reproduce. A disease caused by a virus cannot be cured with antibiotics and requires antiviral drugs or the immune system to fight it. Viruses are non-living particles that require a host cell to replicate. The origin of viruses is unclear and they are believed to have evolved from either bacteria or cellular organisms. Viruses are very small, typically measuring between 20 and 300 nanometers. Viruses are not capable of producing energy and must depend on the host cell for metabolic functions. Viruses can survive through direct contact with bodily fluids. Can spread through the medium, by inhalation, or by insect vectors.

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