14 out of every 1,000 people have epilepsy, not mental weakness, this is the most common reason

Epilepsy Cause And Treatment: Epilepsy is a serious problem. According to experts, out of every 1000 people, 14 people have this problem. Epilepsy is such a problem, in which people feel confined and confined. Because those who have this problem, they themselves and their family members are also afraid to send them out of the house alone. Every year the second Monday of February is celebrated as World Epilepsy Day. 130 countries of the world celebrate this day as awareness day regarding this serious problem. This year, Epilepsy Day is being celebrated on Monday, 13 February.

Regarding this disease, we talked to PN Ranjan, senior doctor of Neurology Department, Apollo Hospital. During the conversation, Dr. Ranjan gave such information about epilepsy in very easy language, which is important for all of us to know. Because epilepsy is a disease that can be triggered at any age…

Why does epilepsy happen?

First of all, let’s clear that epilepsy is not a disease but a disorder. a neurological disorder. Which is triggered for many other reasons along with genetics. But heredity is a big reason for this. While these are the main reasons for this…

  • head injury
  • brain tumor
  • have a stroke
  • having a mental illness, such as Alzheimer’s or dementia
  • due to paralysis
  • Infectious diseases such as meningitis, AIDS or viral encephalitis.
  • trauma to the fetus during pregnancy
  • Mother had any infection during pregnancy
  • Lack of nutrition or lack of oxygen during pregnancy.

At what age the problem of epilepsy occurs?

  • Epilepsy disease usually starts in childhood but this disease can be triggered in puberty and even after that.
  • In children, this disease is usually triggered due to high fever, then head injury or brain tumor can also be the reason for this.
  • The problem of epilepsy is seen more in people living in rural areas. The main reason for this is the lack of nutrition and balance diet and lack of correct information about the disease.

What is the treatment of epilepsy?

  • There are many types of epilepsy and it is treated on the basis of its type. For example, the treatment of epilepsy caused by genetic factors is different from that caused by tumors in many cases.
  • Regarding the treatment based on his long experience, Dr. Ranjan says that if diagnosed at the right time and treated properly, epilepsy can be completely controlled in 60 to 70 percent of the patients.
  • Medicines and medical therapies are used for the treatment of epilepsy depending on its type. Patients taking the right treatment at the right time can maintain their life completely normal with just one pill.

What are the trigger factors of epilepsy?

If someone has a problem of epilepsy genetically or due to any other reason, then life can be normalized through medicines. But if the right lifestyle and certain factors are not taken care of, then this disease can be triggered again.

  • lack of sleep
  • high fever
  • bright lights
  • swimming
  • alcohol

Does epilepsy stunt mental development?

Dr. Ranjan says that with the right treatment, epilepsy does not reduce learning abilities in any way. But if the disease is not taken care of, frequent fits keep coming and psychological disorders also occur, in that case there may be a learning problem. Otherwise, an intelligent child suffering from epilepsy always remains intelligent and can progress in career like other children while enjoying life in a very normal way.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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