SubscriberWrites: Unattended mental health issues in teenagers are cause hindrance in adulthood

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The 21st century has seen it all; the development of information technologies and the raising of awareness of women’s rights. In the midst of all this, the generation that grew up in this era grew up in an amalgamated environment where they absorbed the key practices of the 20th century as well as the awakened culture of the 21st century. Such a mixed setup leads to a very confused perception among teenagers, becoming indecisive adults in this competitive world.

Teenagers today are exposed to a wealth of information through multiple channels, whether you consider school curriculum, social media platforms, or mixed information from discussions in news debates or even with members of the community. family. Although teenagers learn about the good and evil of the world from the age of 15, they are still confused about expressing their opinions. For many, the recent mishaps, including the farmers’ protest and the CAA-NRC protests, were disturbing and these young people took the internet by storm with their strong and well-processed opinions. However, the same young man tried to remain anonymous while he expressed himself.

This was because there was a unanimous belief that their views did not resonate with those of their parents or other relatives and it was easier for them to avoid that confrontation. They find their opinions in general a taboo subject to talk about in front of their family. To this day, young adults find it difficult to speak openly about their romantic relationships and sexual identities, for fear that they will not be understood and cause friction in the family for which they will be blamed. The fear of being blamed for their personal choice silences them and only makes things worse in the family.

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Why doesn’t it change then? The answer is a very simple word, which is used a lot these days; standardization. Regardless of the difference in generational perception, the practice of fear, which a teenager feels is prevalent as he grows up, is something he becomes conditioned to and continues the cycle with his son. With the constant perception that a teen can’t talk about her opinions in front of her parents, it becomes all too normal to approach it as a problem and changing that behavior doesn’t work well.

Teenagers who even feel that they are facing problems in their daily life, due to this fear, they cannot talk to their parents for professional help at the right stage and such problems start to accumulate as they grow up, starting a series. of comorbid mental health problems.

From time to time, I find myself talking to clients in their 20s, with many lifestyle dysfunctions, and when these issues are processed in a counseling setting, the causative factors often stem from a disruptive teenager. Since these issues were not addressed at the time, they have escalated and are causing a problem in their adulthood. The reason for leaving the problem undiagnosed is most often ignorance, and this ignorance is what we talked about earlier when we discussed the young person’s fear of coming out in front of his own family.

It is high time the chain was broken as the advancement of technology will not help the next generations if they do not get the proper channel to express themselves as a result of unnecessary taboos in the name of cultural norms. Both parents and children must recognize the seriousness of this situation in order to overcome all communication barriers.

  Mental Health: How Unresolved Childhood Trauma Impacts Adult Decision Making?

These pieces are published as received: they have not been edited or verified by ThePrint.

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