America’s story is something else… here people prefer to live like this, not by marrying

Valentine Week: February is considered the month of love. Valentine is celebrated on different days till 14 February. Every day has its own different and special significance. According to these days, lovers propose each other and give gifts. Most of the people wish to become double instead of single in youth age. But today we are going to tell about such research, where only a large population is single. Its effect is on the life of some and not on some. Everyone is surprised to see the data of this research.

30 percent of the population in America is single
According to media reports, research was done by Pew Research to assess the status of singles and their doubles in America. It came to light that America’s youth is somewhat different from other countries. More than 30 percent of the population here is living single. This includes 32 percent men and 38 percent women.

This condition of American youth
In the research, information was also gathered about the relationship and marriage of American youth. It was revealed that 3 out of 10 American youths are neither married nor in any relationship. How much American youth like to be single. This can be gauged from the fact that in this country, 63 percent of the youth and 34 percent of the women under the age of 30 consider themselves single. At the same time, the figure of black youth being single is 47 percent.

Further reduction in 3 years
The surprising thing is that instead of increasing the number of single to double, it is decreasing year by year. In the year 2019, 49 percent youth preferred to be in a relationship. At the same time, after two years this figure had come down to 42 percent only. This percentage has increased further in the last few days.

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Effect on heart, mind, enjoying doing something
It was revealed in the research that the youth living single did not show any interest in being in any relation. He is enjoying life by staying in himself. At the same time, 22 percent people are looking for a partner. 13 percent want to be in a committed, 7 percent casual relationship. Experts of India say that due to activation of hormones in youth, the attraction of a man towards a woman and a woman towards a man increases. This is a natural process. If a large population is living alone, then somewhere its effect can be seen on their heart and mind. Because in this age the partner wants to share everything and he looks for the same in the partner of that time.

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