‘He has no qualifications’ Prince Harry facing questions over mental health commentary

Speaking on a livestream hosted by BetterUp, the mental health company he works for, prince harry he told viewers “I know I need to meditate every day” and that he “experienced exhaustion” in life. She went on to offer advice saying that to help his mental health, she focuses on exercising, walking the dog, and “getting out in nature.” But in a surprising comment, it was revealed that Duke is now tennis player Serena Williams’ mental health “coach”, who he talks to for “hours” and “is always solving all the problems in my life”.

During the conversation, Prince Harry said: “I think people will need to rely on each other and professional help, but not just professional help. Also friends, family, maybe complete strangers. Anyone can help you with that training.” process.”

While Ms Williams replied: “I’m glad you said it’s not just professional help Harry, because it could be a friend or it could be someone who has experience or just gives you a good perspective and you can give good feedback.” about the content.

“And I know I joke around a lot, but Harry is actually one of my coaches. Every time I see him, he’s always solving all the problems in my life.”

But the Duke of Sussex’s comments prompted questions from Royal family expert Neil Sean, who asked if Prince Harry is in a position to offer mental health advice when he seems not to have the qualifications to do so.

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Sean said this was a problem given the Duke’s legions of young fans, and therefore it was important that the right message was sent.

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He said: “While Prince Harry’s speech about how we should manage our lives through meditation and of course the universe is fun.

“There’s a bigger problem associated with that… Both Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are very influential to a younger group.”

He went on to emphasize how there are “a lot of people who really take this into account” and that Prince Harry’s adventure in the countryside with little or no qualifications could be “very damaging”.

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He said, “He’s talking about something that he has absolutely no qualifications at, and you have to take his [mental heath professionals] notes on board.”

In 2017, Prince Harry revealed that he took a counseling course to help veterans struggling with mental health issues. But last December, the Duke’s experience in the field was called into question after he claimed he wanted to “pioneer the conversation” about mental health.

But speaking to Express.co.uk, royal expert Jonathan Sacerdoti warned: “He talks about the ‘mental health awakening’ as if mental health and psychology are somehow new discoveries. He personally may be adjusting to a new awareness of mental illness and trying to achieve happiness, but his talk of wanting to ‘pioneer the conversation’ just sounds a bit flat.”

Prince Harry also said on the live stream that during his “exhaustion” he felt there was “barely any fuel or steam in the engine” because he was “burning the candle at both ends.” He stated that “looking within yourself” is the “only way” to combat feelings of exhaustion.

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The Duke also attempted to impart even more mental health advice, saying, “Once you start to understand how and why you react to certain people, certain situations, then you can control those situations.”

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