This is the treatment of joint pain and swelling, even the old problem will go away without spending money.

Joint Pain: The problem of joint pain or stiffness has become very common in today’s time. If you or anyone in the house is suffering from this problem, then this recipe of Ayurveda can cure you without spending any money. We are definitely telling you about this recipe, but well-known Ayurvedacharya and health expert Dr. Rekha applied this recipe in her life and came out completely from the problem of joint pain and swelling. He has shared his experience on his social media account.

Why is there a problem of joint pain?

Joint pain, swelling of joints, stretch of nerves, stiffness of muscles or problem of arthritis. All these are such problems, which make it difficult for any person to walk and sometimes even stop them completely. Such problems usually used to occur only after an age due to arthritis. In general, after the age of 60, people used to have knee problems. But in today’s time, 30 year old youths are also facing this problem. The reason is, change in lifestyle and food habits or any other disease. Along with this, the lazy lifestyle is making the youth ill with joint related problems as a major reason.

home remedies for joint pain

  • You must know about castor oil. The leaves of castor plant are an infallible medicine for joint pain. You will definitely get relief by applying its paste.
  • To make its paste, make a paste by grinding castor i.e. castor leaves with rock salt i.e. pink salt and then heat it lightly. After this apply the lukewarm paste on the joints. When the coating dries or after 25 to 30 minutes, clean it with a cloth.

How to get rest?

The paste of castor leaves directly affects the large intestine. It is believed that there is a problem of pain and swelling in the joints when the amount of Vata increases in the large intestine. Salt is also a pain killer and both of them together take the form of a multi-effective medicine. This is the reason that by applying their paste, chronic joint pain and swelling get relief very quickly. You can plant castor plant at home or in the garden itself. Its plant can be planted in a big pot.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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