Banana flower is a silent doctor…from heart health to controlling diabetes it is helpful

Banana Blossom Benefits: Knowing the benefits of banana, you must have consumed it a lot, but do you know that you can get many benefits from banana flower too. Yes, you can get relief from many types of physical problems by consuming it. Banana flower contains fiber, protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, E, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and antioxidants, this is the reason why It is considered beneficial in the treatment of many diseases. Know in which problems it can provide relief.

Keep kidney healthyYou can also use banana flower to keep the kidney healthy, it has nephro protective activity which helps in protecting the kidney from any kind of damage. Apart from this, the fiber present in banana flower can help in relieving kidney stones.

prostate gland- Often in men above 50 years of age, there are problems of prostate gland enlargement, due to which many urinary problems start. According to an animal study, anti-inflammatory properties found in banana flower can help reduce the size of the prostate gland. The citric acid and amino acids present in the flower are responsible for bringing the prostate gland back to normal size.

DiabetesDiabetes can be brought under control with the help of banana flower. Banana flower has the property of reducing blood glucose level. According to a report by NCBI, it is a low glycemic index food item which releases glucose slowly in the body. Apart from this, the antioxidants and fiber present in bananas can also help in controlling diabetes.

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High blood pressure-Banana flower can also provide relief in the problem of high blood pressure. Banana flower acts as an anti hypertensive agent, which can control high blood pressure. Apart from this, the fiber antioxidants and many nutrients present in it can prove to be helpful in reducing high blood pressure.

Give strength to bonesBanana flowers can strengthen bones. In fact, banana flowers contain zinc, which protects against bone loss, according to a test-tube study, as well as the antioxidants quercetin and catechins – which are found naturally in banana flowers. ,May help prevent bone loss.

Anemia Iron is found in plenty in banana flower, which can help in meeting the deficiency of blood in the body. People suffering from the problem of anemia should consume banana flower regularly, this problem can be overcome.

Beneficial in heart problem-Banana flowers are found to be a high source of tannins, flavonoids and other antioxidants, which help fight free radicals and eliminate oxidative damage that can lead to heart disease

How to consume banana flowers

Make a decoction of banana flowers for consumption. To make the decoction, boil banana flowers in a glass of water, then add a pinch of salt to it. When the water remains half, filter it and cool it and consume it.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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