With these easy tips, the child’s wish will be fulfilled soon.

Tips To Get Pregnant: After some time of marriage, all couples want to plan a child. After how many years of marriage to plan a child, all the couples have their own separate decision. But it is not necessary every time that pregnancy happens when you want to plan a child. Many times couples have to wait for a long time in the desire of a child. If you or someone you know is going through this kind of problem, then these tips will be very useful.

Most important is to pay attention to the menstrual cycle

How many days do your periods come i.e. is your cycle of 28 days or 30 days. Pay attention to this and then make a connection between the 13th to the 18th day after the period. Because during this time eggs are made in very good quantity and the chances of pregnancy increase. It might not work just once. That’s why keep preparing for two rounds every day.

Keep this in mind while building a relationship

While planning pregnancy, keep in mind that do not go for cleaning immediately after intercourse, do not wash immediately. Do this work after 25 to 30 minutes. Also, completely stop the use of any kind of pills and contraceptives, which you were using continuously, and plan baby pregnancy only after one or two months.

To increase egg quality

The better the quality of egg and sperm, the healthier the embryo will be. And the healthier the embryo is, the healthier the child will be. Therefore, to improve egg quality, increase fertility and improve the chances of pregnancy, start taking folic acid tablets or capsules about 3 months before planning a child.

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do this work on time

If you have any problem like TB, abdominal surgery, cyst, irregular periods, then you should get it treated on time. The problem of cysts in the uterus area of ​​women does not always become an obstacle in pregnancy. That’s why do not think anything from yourself, but get the right treatment done at the right time.

before pregnancy

After getting pregnant, everyone does a checkup and consults a doctor. But the ideal condition is that even before baby planning, you should consult a doctor once and get your necessary tests done. Some women also face problems in pregnancy due to problems related to fallopian tubes, while these problems do not come to the fore in any test etc. Their test is done only through hormonal level test during periods. So avoid going into negativity in any way and get your right treatment done, you will get good news soon…!

What to do for early pregnancy and healthy baby?

Pay attention to diet. If your diet is healthy and full of nutrients, then egg quality and sperm quality are better, which increases the chances of pregnancy.

control weight

Too much increased weight also causes problems in pregnancy. If you want to plan a baby, first focus on weight control. For this, you can take the help of yoga experts. Not only increased weight, but too little weight can also cause problems in pregnancy.

be active

Being physically active is very important to stay healthy. Therefore, apart from setting the time to sleep and wake up, also pay attention to being physically active in daily life. This helps in keeping hormonal balance.

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it is important to avoid

Stress can become a major obstacle in pregnancy. So be stress free. Because stress increases the imbalance of hormones. That’s why there is a need to avoid stress even for pregnancy.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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