What is IVF technique, this process was failed twice by the judge of Shark Tank

IVF Treatment Benefits: Which could never even imagine. The progress of science has made all those works possible. Never could have imagined that an embryo would be prepared on an artificial platform and transplanted into a woman’s womb. But now it is possible. This is called IVF technique. This technique has proved to be a boon for women struggling with infertility. But as much as this technique is beneficial. There are as many disadvantages as well. Recently, the pain of Shark Tank India 2 judge Namita Thapar emerged on the show. Her IVF process had failed twice. It is not that all the benefits of this technology are there. Some disadvantages are associated with it. Will try to know what is IVF technology? Can it have side effects?

What is IVF technology

IVF is also called in vitro fertilization. Women who are not able to get pregnant for any reason. They have an option of using IVF technology. The child born in this process is called a test tube baby. In this process, the eggs of the woman and the sperm of the man are artificially fertilized in the lab. When it develops into an embryo, it is transferred to the woman’s womb.

IVF has disadvantages too

It is not that all the advantages of IVF are advantages. It can also have a lot of disadvantages. There is a risk of having more than one baby in this technique. The birth weight of the baby may be less. In natural pregnancy, the mother is emotionally attached. Emotions can be imbalanced in this. Bleeding may be more. There may be complaints of abdominal pain, pain while urinating, vomiting and loose motion.

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In addition, a more serious problem

The above problems are very common. These problems can be seen in most of the women undergoing IVF. At the same time, some women may have more problems. For example, the child may have a congenital defect. Women may suffer from ovarian cancer, risk of abortion, premature delivery, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

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