If color has gone into the eyes by mistake, do not make this mistake in a hurry, otherwise the eyesight may go away.

Holi Celebration: The festival of Holi is just around the corner. This festival is full of happiness and colors. Especially children have special enthusiasm about this festival. Because many dishes are prepared on Holi, children play a lot with colors, balloons and water cannons. Many types of tasty dishes are made at home for this festival. On the day of Holi, all the people meet and start a new beginning by forgetting their grudges. Lots of colors are played on this festival, no one celebrates Holi without colors.

Take care of your eyes while playing with colors on Holi

On Holi, brothers and sisters, friends and everyone apply a lot of color to each other. But while playing with colours, many times the color goes inside our eyes, in such a situation, some people wash their eyes with water in a hurry, but one wrong step can lead to loss of eyesight. That’s why today we will tell you what to do if the color in your eyes gets lost after playing with colors on the day of Holi…

If color has gone into the eyes by mistake, do not make this mistake in a hurry

Many types of chemicals and acids are used to prepare the colors of Holi. If it goes into your eyes, then there is a strong burning sensation in the eyes, if it gets colored from the front, the pupil of the eye also has a very bad effect. That’s why before playing Holi, apply oil near your eyes so that the skin around the eyes becomes moist and the color sticks only on the skin instead of going inside the eyes.

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Due to this the eyesight can go

If there is color inside the eyes, the first thing is not to rub the eyes, this will cause more burning sensation inside the eyes. Instead of wetting the eyes, just clean them with a clean cotton cloth. Wipe off the color with light hands only. If you already have any problem related to eyes, then buy eye drops for eyes. There are also such eyedrops in the market which can remove the color from the eyes. Keep in mind that do not immediately wash the eyes with water after getting the color. Due to this, color can spread in your retina, due to the spread of color in it, the light of the eyes can also reach. That’s why keep in mind that clean the eyes only with cotton cloth.

Read this also- Holi 2023: People with sensitive skin should take care of themselves like this before playing Holi, there will be no side effects from colors

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