No Smoking Day 2023: 5 Best Lifestyle Changes To Help Resist Tobacco Cravings

No Smoking Day 2023: Smoking is a deadly habit and that is a universal fact. This day is a day to remember, spread awareness about the effects of smoking and why it is important to make lifestyle changes for a healthy outlook.

No smoking day 2023: 5 best lifestyle changes to help resist tobacco cravings (Image: Freepik)

No Smoking Day 2023: Smoking is harmful to health, period. That every box of cigarettes, every beginning of a movie shows that using tobacco is extremely bad for your health, and yet many of us continue to do so. But many people have started to make the necessary effort to change their lifestyle, take a step towards a better life and have started to quit smoking. However, quitting smoking is not that easy. It takes great willpower, stamina, and patience to do it if you have a habit of smoking. But the bottom line is that no matter how difficult it is, it is not impossible. With the support of loved ones and the willingness to change to a healthy lifestyle, anything is possible. Smoking in any form, whether active or passive smoking, is harmful.

No smoking 2023: here are 7 lifestyle changes to make

1.Nicotine replacement therapy

This is one of the first things people start with. A nicotine gum or patch helps reduce the urge to smoke. However, there is still some supply of nicotine in the body, but it does not have harmful chemicals like tobacco.

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2. Avoid triggers

Everyone has their trigger points that give rise to the urge to smoke. If you want to quit smoking, it’s best to avoid these triggers. For example, going to parties or talking on the phone for a long time or stress often triggers the urge to smoke. Try to resist it and maybe avoid these avoidable things.

3. Fruits and Vegetables to the rescue

Start incorporating more vegetables and fruits into your diet. Also keep chewing gum or fruit to resist that urge.

4.Physical Activities

Enjoy physical activities. Establish a routine and instill some physical activity time into the routine. It can be as simple as going for a walk, run, or a proper exercise or gym regimen. Physical activities are not only important for everyone, but they are also a distraction.

5. Emotional support

Having the support of family and friends actually helps a lot. If you are trying to quit smoking, share with your loved ones and make them a part of your journey. Love and support will always take you far. One can try to find support groups or even seek professional help to overcome resistance.

Release Date: Mar 8, 2023 10:36am IST

Date Updated: Mar 8 2023 10:55 am IST

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  These changes appear as cigarette smoke enters the body.


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