World Kidney Day 2023: 7 Common Lifestyle Habits That Are Damaging Your Kidney

World Kidney Day 2023: Kidneys are one of the most vital organs in our body. Various functions of the body depend on it. The kidneys help remove excess fluid, waste, and toxins from the body. them to

World Kidney Day 2023: The kidneys are one of the most vital organs in our body. Various functions of the body depend on it. The kidneys help remove excess fluid, waste, and toxins from the body. They also remove acid to help the body absorb water, salts and minerals into the body in a healthy balance. Unhealthy kidney can lead to malfunction of tissues, cells, neurons, etc. of the body, leading to more acute bodily problems.

Here are 7 common lifestyle habits that damage our kidneys.

Not drinking enough water

It is extremely important to drink adequate amounts of water to regulate the flow of fluids in the kidneys. Maintaining adequate levels of hydration in the body causes the kidneys to eliminate toxins. Drinking enough water has been listed as an essential requirement for optimal kidney health by the US-based National Kidney Foundation.

eating too much salt

Too much sodium in your diet, whether in the form of salt in your kitchen or through other hidden sources, can be cause for concern, especially if you’re prone to high blood pressure tendencies. There are numerous snack foods, canned, packaged, and junk foods, that contain sodium in concentrated amounts. Try and opt for fresh food sources like fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, or other homemade snacks to keep your sodium intake in check.

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food options

High consumption of processed foods is dangerous. Processed foods are loaded with sodium and phosphorus. Kidney disease patients should refrain from eating packaged foods. Consuming processed foods that are high in phosphorous can be harmful to your kidneys and bones.

no regular exercise

Sitting for too long is associated with the development of kidney disease. A sedentary lifestyle can have adverse effects on kidney health. Regular physical activity improves blood pressure and metabolism, which is good for kidney health. If you are overweight, reducing weight is very useful, as it relieves the load on the kidneys and prevents their early exhaustion. Get regular aerobic exercise with a 40-minute walk at least 4 times a week.

Consuming an excessive amount of alcohol

If you can’t live without alcohol or wine, it could be the end of your kidneys. More than four drinks per day have been associated with a twofold increase in the risk of chronic kidney disease, according to studies.

Consuming medications without proper advice

In case you take too many headache pills or back pain pills quite often, stop. It is always recommended to consult a doctor for proper medication because excessive use of pain relievers can lead to kidney cancer.

Too much alcohol

Excess of anything is bad. Similarly, the intake of too much alcohol is very harmful to the body. If not taken in moderation, overdose can lead to chronic kidney disease.

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Release Date: Mar 8, 2023 4:20pm IST

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