Neck Pain From Long Screen Time? 5 Powerful Yoga Asanas To Reduce Neck Ache

Did you know that text collar is a real thing? Yes, we are all guilty of spending time in front of screens in the way that more than one should be and yes, we all feel that tightness and pain in the neck.

It is very ironic that you are reading the article on the use of devices and the harmful position of the neck on a device! However, it is one thing and we live in a world of paradoxes. The text collar is said to be a real thing. In the digital age, in a room with people, most of the heads will be looking down at the screens and the thumbs operating at high speed on the tips. While this trend started with people using mobile phones as a means of communication, it has now become a means to an end. People are forced to watch screens and work up to 10 hours or more. That position with the neck slightly bent down and forward, the shoulders rounded and the back sloping is what can later become harmful. These work crops can seriously lead to severe neck pain and that can also turn into chronic back pain.

While spending time away from screens is vital, that’s not the only thing that can cure a text neck. You also have to practice certain exercises or yoga postures.

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Chakravakasana or Cat-Cow Pose

This gentle and accessible backbend stretches and mobilizes the spine. Practicing this pose also stretches your torso, shoulders, and neck. For this, one needs to get on all fours and place the wrists under the shoulders and the knees under the hips. Inhale as you look up and let your stomach drop towards the mat. Exhale as you tuck your chin to your chest, draw your navel in toward your spine, and arch your spine toward the ceiling.

Adho Mukha Asana or Downward Facing Dog

This traditional forward bend can be relaxing and rejuvenating. Practicing this pose can help relieve back pain and sciatica. Helps resolve imbalances in the body and improves strength.


Also known as Cobra Pose, Bhujangasana primarily targets the abdominal region. Helps in blood circulation, strengthens the back and promotes heart health. You have to lie on your stomach, stretch your legs and lift your chest with both hands at your sides.

child pose

It may look like you’re resting, but Child’s Pose is an active stretch that helps lengthen your back. It’s also a great de-stresser before bed at the end of a long and tiring day. Start on all fours with your arms stretched out in front of you, then sit back so your glutes (buttock muscles) rest just above, but not touching, your heels.

pada hastasana

This asana helps to stretch the neck and hamstrings. This is a good yoga pose to practice as it affects both the neck and hips from continuous sitting for long hours. Keep your feet slightly apart. Lean forward and let your arms touch the floor. Try to keep your head close to your knees.

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It is very important to practice yoga for at least 10 minutes daily after sitting continuously for long hours.

Release Date: Mar 10, 2023 7:48pm IST

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