Leave the expensive toners of the market, make unadulterated toner with orange peel, the skin will glow

Orange Peel Toner: Orange is such a fruit which contains vitamin C in abundance. Its consumption not only benefits the health but also improves the skin. But do you know that along with orange, its peel is also very beneficial for the skin. Many such properties are also present in its peel, which can help in getting rid of skin related problems. Orange peel contains many nutrients like vitamin C, folate, antioxidants, polyphenols in sufficient quantity and all these nutrients are known to increase facial glow. You can make a great toner with orange peel, which can greatly benefit your skin.

how to make toner

Generally, after eating an orange, people throw away its peel thinking it as waste. But don’t make such a mistake. You can get rid of acne scars, pigmentation, wrinkles and many other problems with a toner made from orange peel. Apart from this, it also works to fix the uneven tone. Let us know how face toner is prepared from it.


  • a cup of orange peel
  • 7 to 8 mint leaves
  • 1 teaspoon Vitamin E oil
  • two teaspoons rose water


  • First boil the orange peel in a glass of water.
  • When it starts boiling lightly, add mint leaves to it.
  • After boiling for about 10 minutes, turn off the gas.
  • Now let this water cool down and then filter it.
  • Add rose water and vitamin E oil to it.
  • Then refrigerate it by filling it in a spray bottle, your orange peel toner is ready.
  • Shake the bottle well before using the toner.
  • Wash your face before going to bed at night and spray it before going to sleep.
  • Regular use of this will give a tremendous glow to your face, can remove pigmentation and stains.

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