Panic will not work, if you have become infected then listen to the doctor

Influenza Prevention Tips : Influenza H3N2 virus is increasing rapidly across the country. Due to this, two deaths have also happened so far. Be it Delhi-NCR or South India, its patients are being found everywhere. In such a situation, people are also getting worried about this virus. Health experts and doctors advise to avoid panic and take precautions in view of the increasing danger of the virus. Because there will be no danger of any kind with caution. Let us know if someone has come under the grip of this virus, then what should he do, what do the doctors say ..

How dangerous is H3N2

According to health experts, influenza means there are four types of flu. There are influenza A, B, C and D. The subtype of influenza A is the H3N2 virus. Every year with the change in weather, such cases come to the fore. The strain of the virus also keeps on changing. A patient infected with H3N2 gets fever and cough and cold along with body ache. After coming under the grip of this virus, the symptom of cough lasts for a long time. It takes at least two weeks to get it right. In some cases, this symptom is seen for a long time.

What to do if you are infected with H3N2 virus

  • Keep the body hydrated as much as possible.
  • If you have fever, you can take paracetamol.
  • Take syrup after phlegm.
  • Steaming is recommended.
  • Keep zinc and multi-vitamins in your diet.
  • Include fruits in the diet as well.
  • Take antiviral medicines.
  • Avoid fatty food as much as possible.

protect yourself like this

  • Keep wearing a mask.
  • Don’t go in the crowd.
  • Keep the mouth covered while coughing and sneezing.
  • Keep getting the flu vaccine.

take special care of such people

Doctors tell that it is taking a long time to cure the symptoms of H3N2. The rate of pneumonia due to this is the same as last year. In such a situation, people who have heart disease, diabetes or have weak immunity should take special care of themselves. In case of cough and cold, one should go to the doctor without negligence.

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