Avoid ignoring such diseases seen in children after Corona

Kids Care Tips: Since the lockdown, a different type of disease is being seen in children. According to the children’s doctor, due to the increase in online education in the lockdown, the ability to read and write in children has decreased and they are forgetting things quickly. This is the reason why they are becoming stubborn. According to psychiatry, children are connected to the screen during online education and now this is becoming their world. The effect of which is clearly visible on their physical and mental development. Some schools are running online classes even during the holidays, due to which this problem is being seen in the children.

Increasing stubbornness, irritability in children

Due to spending more time on the screen, children are becoming stubborn and irritable on every issue. Due to online education, the ability of some children to read and write has also reduced considerably. Good children have also become weak in studies, such cases are also being seen. When offline classes used to run, then the children used to sit in the class being serious and ask the questions of their mind to the teachers. This is the reason why offline education is better for the development of children.

Parents should understand these signs in children

According to a report, many such cases are being seen in almost every major hospital. Parents are taking such problems of their children to the doctor. The age of such children is from 5 to 13 years. According to health experts, if your child is also spending more time on the screen. Remains silent and stubbornness-irritation is being seen in his nature, then this symptom should be taken seriously. In such a situation, the child’s mind is not even in reading and writing.

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what should parents do

Give maximum time to children and listen to them.

Talk to his friends and get his information.

Also keep an eye on what your child is watching on mobile and for how long.

Pay attention to the behavior of the child. If there is a problem, do counseling.

Do not fulfill every demand, every stubbornness of the child. Take doctor’s advice.

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