Vitamin B6 Deficiency: Skin Rash To Mood Swings, 5 Major Signs And Symptoms That Indicate Lack of B6

From skin rashes to fatigue, these could be some warning signs of a lack of vitamin B6 in your body.

Itamin B6 Deficiency: Skin Rash to Mood Swings, 6 Top Signs and Symptoms Indicating a Lack of B6

Our body undergoes various changes and we need a large amount of vitamins and minerals to nourish our body and help it grow. The lack of any or even one of these creates an imbalance in our bodies making them more vulnerable to infections and other health problems. That is the great power of vitamins and minerals. One of them is vitamin B6. The lack of it causes various problems in the body, from skin to mental health, it is a roller coaster. However, what is the role of vitamin B6? It is only because of B6 that energy is converted from the food we eat. It helps break down protein and use it efficiently for the body to function optimally. Apart from these, it also improves brain function and affects mood. However, when it is not consumed in the proper proportion, it begins to affect the body:

Here are 5 signs and symptoms of vitamin B6 deficiency:

  1. Acne: Do you feel itchy skin? Growing redness? It could be a warning sign of vitamin B6 deficiency. Because B6 helps synthesize collagen that is required for healthy skin, a lack of it leads to itchy, rashy skin. It can appear on the scalp, neck, face, décolleté, etc. Consult a dermatologist for a proper diagnosis.
  2. Sore lips: Lack of B6 can also lead to red, swollen lips with some cracking as well. This could lead to bleeding and infection. Also, eating, drinking becomes a nuisance and is also painful.
  3. Humor changes: Mood swings can occur for a number of reasons, and a lack of vitamin B6 is one of them. It can make a person feel depressed, discouraged, anxious, irritated, etc. This is because the body needs B6 to produce various neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which help control anxiety, depression, and anxious feelings. pain.
  4. Fatigue: Deficiency in this vitamin can even make you feel unusually tired and almost sleepy all the time. If your cells don’t get enough oxygen, it can lead to anemia, making you feel tired and weak. A big reason is the role of vitamin B6 in helping to produce hemoglobin. That’s the protein in red blood cells that helps carry oxygen throughout the body.
  5. Weak immune function: A strong immune system prevents infections and inflammations. Nutrient deficiencies, including vitamin B6, can ruin the proper functioning of your immune system.
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Release Date: Mar 28, 2023 12:47pm IST

Date Updated: Mar 28 2023 1:20pm IST

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